Anyone Ever Try Doing a Seminar/workshop for Auto or Homeowners Insurance?

I have worked with, interviewed, and conversed with thousands of insurance agents over the past decade. In my experience, it sounds like the best way to educate clients to sell new policies isn't through mass seminars, but on an individual level.

Annual policy reviews performed correctly are probably the most effective method to educate clients and uncover new sales. Again, I'm not an insurance agent myself, but in my conversations and surveys with successful agents, consistent policy review programs are what they do to be successful. They are also the programs that the big corporate insurance companies are pushing for their agents to implement because they know that's how to make money and long term agency value. Cross-sells are the way to go.

If you want a free and quick summary of how these programs work, here's a program that explains it all pretty well: ...

And now we know why you had to go and revive all these threads...
I do at least 2 a month and then I might get a request through the driving school or a lender. I have never done a stand alone, I think it would be hard to fill seats. But if I wanted to, I would focus on how to lower rates, teen drivers, making sure you have enough coverage etc. These are more long term leads. I get calls months later, people are quick to ask questions and complain but slow to switch. I give out a handout with my website, number and a list of important insurance definitions, examples they can understand and a list of discounts to ask for. I find people will hold on to this for a while and it jogs their memory better.
How many people do you think would show up for a seminar for Auto or Home Insurance? I'd venture to say very few. I wouldn't waste my time. An internet video is more along the lines of what I would long as it's short (less than 3 minutes)