Anyone Heard of High Def Nation Health Insurance?

Suis, you may just be nieve, but the product is garbage, no where does it say "MAJOR MEDICAL" But you may win a mercedes. I did look at some of these limited medical plans. but I could never bring myself to sell a product, that when the client goes to use it, they will find out it is garbage. But by then it to late for them. I am not trying to pick a fight, i am trying to get you to look at it closer. Would you sell this product to your family?
Different guy Rick.

The fellow you refer to is also a bit of a magician. He has made the following disappear.

- The middle class
- The Supreme Court
- The war in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Gitmo
- Fast and Furious
- Solyndra
- The Keystone pipeline
- Personal liberties
- Personal space at airport check in
- Personal responsibility
- Alien immigration
- Affordable health insurance
- Health insurance agents
b61mack - This just makes me laugh! It's amazing how some people react when they feel threatened. When their world as they know it could change.

Again - this is in PRELAUNCH. It is Valid health insurance or so the ad states. You can't say it doesn't say major medical or it's "garbage" because how can you know? I've spoken to one of the major people in the corp. and know some things. And I'm excited but waiting for launch.

See the video. Sign up or not. But you can't know anymore than I do right now.

I'm not "naive." You'd be surprised at my resume.

But this is a new biz, a new day and we shall see how it goes come Oct. 15. Then I will let you know the facts unless you learn them yourselves.

My Q in my thread is "Has anyone heard of Highdef nation?" - obviously none here have.

So, I'll keep you posted! And you can move on, thank you.

Suis, you may just be nieve,
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No, no he was talking about advocacy with other carriers or organizations - not this new biz.
Hard to keep up with it I know.
But the prelaunch is as it states. Prelaunch.

You saw that, huh?
But you stated this whole thing is in "pre-launch".
Which is it?
People already have the plan, that's why you've been able to see this bill (and could finally list the plan benefits). Or, this is in "pre-launch" and nobody has the plan yet (meaning the whole "i saw a bill for a man..." is made up)?
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My Q in my thread is "Has anyone heard of Highdef nation?" - obviously none here have.

So, I'll keep you posted! And you can move on, thank you.

Ok, well now we have. The only "video" (powerpoint) I saw was that this was MLM and a great opportunity to qualify for a Mercedes.

Thanks for warning us about this company.

This is so true - if we can just get others to see it.

Different guy Rick.

The fellow you refer to is also a bit of a magician. He has made the following disappear.

- The middle class
- The Supreme Court
- The war in Iraq and Afghanistan
- Gitmo
- Fast and Furious
- Solyndra
- The Keystone pipeline
- Personal liberties
- Personal space at airport check in
- Personal responsibility
- Alien immigration
- Affordable health insurance
- Health insurance agents
What danger? What makes you think YOU know anything about it anyway? Why judge if you don't? This is in PRELAUNCH! Don't any of you have an open mind? It's just something we're looking at.

And I wondered if it could be a new wave of the future. Carriers working directly with one agency who then contracts REPS to REFER clients to them. Sounds scary doesn't it? Could it elmininate the "agent"?

You are the dangerous one when you close your mind to anything before you even know what it's about. If you read my first post - I SAID it is in prelaunch and new and I only knew a few facts.

I am not selling it - yet and am still researching it. BUT so far what I"ve learned IS good. And I hope it does work the way it's set up to work.

And of course I wouldn't sell anything "dangerous". But my goodness, we wouldn't have the telephone if people thought like you are thinking! This is going to be licensed and valid or we wouldn't work it. 5,000 people in 4 days can't be wrong.
That's how many open minded people ARE looking into it.

I'm awake but sounds like you're hypnotized.
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Is this why clients are getting refund checks from their insurance carrers? Mine have been getting them. And the letter accompanying it states it's due to the HCR profit margin rule.

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Is this why clients are getting refund checks from their insurance carrers? Mine have been getting them. And the letter accompanying it states it's due to the HCR profit margin rule.

"None is so blind as the one who refuses to open his eyes."

There is a difference in "underwriting" profit and total profit ACA does not regulate a companies total profits.. The act requires insurance companies to keep their underwriting profits and costs to around 20 percent and return the overage to policy holders. It does not address how much money a company can make on investments.

Common sense tells you that this plan could not cover very much if it only costs a couple hundred dollars per month for a family.. Not when an Office call can be upward toward $100. Are you going to guarantee the people that an advocate can get the amounts not covered by this "insurance" plan reduced? Perhaps you are going to accompany them into bankruptcy court when they can pay the non covered expenses and plead their case before the referee?
And btw, I saw a bill for a man earning six figures and the advocate still got his 100k bill down to less than $500.
Be informed.

Inform me... I want to see evidence of this assertion, not a statement on a forum. Frankly I don't believe this. Please post evidence here; thanks.
This is trash. We'll see Chris Hanson or 20/20 blow their spot up and put them on BLAST in about 1yr.
It is Valid health insurance or so the ad states.

then its very simple.... currect laws on the books state that if it is true " valid health insurance" it must be approved by the states it is sold AND must be marketed by liscened agents carring a group I in texas(do they still call it group I?)

failture to do so is a crime and will be proscuted.
The act requires insurance companies to keep their underwriting profits and costs to around 20 percent

Not splitting hairs with you Louis, but Obamacare provides ratio's for claims (as a percent of premium).

The MLR for IFP is 80% of premium so the only requirement is the carrier must pay out 80% of premium in claims. If their overhead is 25% of premium there is no profit.

DC doesn't care, nor does it guarantee a profit. As long as the carrier pays out at least 80% in claims that is all that matters.

We'll see Chris Hanson or 20/20 blow their spot up

I think Hanson is still apologizing to his wife for cheating on her.