Anything on Iowa Rates?

300 contracts is the first goal. Very livable. Just go in and ask Nikita this comes down to freeing up money for the small group show the owner how its beneficial for the employees to go to the exchange If we could help you lower your healthcare costs would that be worth 20 mins of your time. Explain to the owner that you will personally help them through the transition and will explain why to the employees that their costs will more than likely go down. I have 4 mom and pop shops working on a bar owner to let me help all his part timers A hotel that all tge employees have individual policies. That one is going to drive me nuts but will start to pick off employees there 47 right there


We also did something crazy. We rented the store next to chic fil a in our mall. Named it affordable health care on the sign. Should be interesting Have the local talk radio coming out next week for the next 4 to do live broadcast for the 2 hour morning show One day each week. Have recruited some low wage earners to help funnel people my way
Think about what industries typically have low wage earners and probably don't offer health benefits and are typically locally owned. I find it easier to work one market at a time instead of going door to door. Once you find a quick niche, chase down all like businesses. For instance, salons. I haven't approached this niche, but most of the employees are actually renting the chair or are on contract and have to fend for themselves. This means they can have deductions lowering their MAGI and may qualify for subsidies. Stop in and ask the owner if you could offer your services free of charge and schedule a day to make the salon your office and have each stylist etc cycle through your desk and sign them up on the spot. Face to face is typically not a good strategy for a short time frame such as OEP, but if you can set your office up in a place where there is a captive audience of likely consumers, even signing up 5-10 is worth the effort. I am telling you, small businesses is where the cheese is!
Also don't forget to walk and talk every gas station attendant waitress store clerk every part timer is up for grabs Just ask Do you know If you qualify for a reduction in your health care premiums
Those are all great ideas, just wish I lived in a larger town. I live in a very small town and for some reason there is an abundance of independent agents all fighting over a small market. I may drive over to another larger town 30 mins away and try some of your suggestions....
Iowa yet to enroll a single person through the market place said iowa division of insurance. We are off to a good start lol
Well Annonymous you seriously just made my day! I have been feeling like I was so behind the 8-ball with all of this because I haven't been able to complete my CMS registration (due to the CMS site not accepting my user id/password combination and the site always being down) - now what the hell I am supposed to do if I can't even complete my CMS registration!!! Very frustrated right now but feeling a little better knowing that no one else in Iowa is able to sell right now either...:1tongue:
Lol glad to make someone feel better I have almost 50 willing to go as soon as we can start enrollment
I have businesses scheduling me to be in their places signing up their employees this week. I hope I can get in by the time the ball drops, otherwise I am going to be getting backlogged! Supposedly, the exchange site is going to essentially be shut down most of the weekend to get all of the glitches worked out. Knock on wood!
I have many people who have contacted me and want quotes...does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to get the CMS registration completed?