Apartment Damaged by Upstairs Neighbor


New Member
The other day a sprinkler pipe burst in the apartment above me. Their apartment was more or less destroyed because of the water damage. I'm directly below their apartment and since it took so long to turn of the water, some of the water got into my apartment. It soaked most of my carpet, partially flooded the kitchen, and cracked / peeled some of the plaster on the walls / ceiling. Most of my property is relatively unharmed, apart from potentially my couch.

My apartment complex requires renter's insurance and I had it my first year, but I renewed my lease last year and neither the apartment complex nor myself checked to see if it was automatically renewed (which I incorrectly assumed it would like my car insurance). So when I called my "previous" insurance yesterday, I was told that I don't, in fact, have insurance anymore.

Fortunately as I said, most of my property is fine. What I'm not sure is what happens from here. The unit above me, my unit, and the unit below me were all told we'd likely be out of our apartments for a month. And unfortunately, I don't have renters insurance anymore. Since the pipe burst in the apartment above me and I was affected as a result of them, is their insurance on the hook for my temporary housing or would the apartment complex be responsible for that or am I going to be responsible for it?