Appointment Setting Strategy

Roger Chan

New Member
I like to sit down and start calling for appointments between 9-11AM. With enough leads, it shouldn't take more than 45min to 1.5hrs to set 8-10 appointments for the next day. If I am unable to reach my goal of 8-10 appointments, I usually add in another dialing session from 6-8PM to fill in the rest.

The whole purpose of dialing through is to grab all the easy, low-hanging fruit that will agree to be home at the specified time slot. The entire call should last no longer than a couple minutes. Get on, set the appointment, get off. Rinse and repeat. I have found that the longer a phone call goes, the chances of setting the appointment start to decline.

A couple of helpful hints:
1. This is not a sale. No need to qualify the lead on the phone.
2. Do not try to build rapport over the phone, save that for the appointment.
3. Don't try to battle objections, just acknowledge the objection and move on with the script
4. If the lead is not cooperating, end the call and move onto the next. (DK them later)
5. If no answer on the first dial, hang up and immediately dial the same number again. Many times a second dial will result in someone picking up the phone.

Hello Mary? Hi this is Roger here at the benefit center in Austin, I was just getting back to you about that little card we had sent out to you in the mail, it was mainly concerning the 2020 state regulated benefits for Texas you remember getting that? Oh, that's ok it came on a little 5x7 card, you filled out your information and sent it back to us...does that ring a bell? Ok great, I just needed to quickly verify the information you wrote down. It says here your age is 65 is that right? Awesome, and you're still over there at 123 Main St? Great, well Mary, my job here is real simple. Whenever we get these back from your community, my job is just to simply get you guys out this free information and see if you might qualify for some of these new programs...and I'm actually going to be out that way tomorrow, is there any reason you won't be around for just a couple minutes at about 11 oclock? Okay great, again, my name is Roger and I'll see you tomorrow at 11. END CALL.

Anybody that says not interested over the phone or doesn't answer the phone, I will show up at the house and treat it as a fresh door knock.
Good stuff Roger. I like that you aren't advising agents to specialize in just one thing or another. At the end of the day, we have to be willing to do what it takes no matter what. Whether that be appt setting, door knocking or any combination of things. We can make this business work if we put in enough activity.

I think we are really good at making this business so complicated when in fact it is so simple. Not easy, but simple. Thanks for sharing
I use a caller for slightly older leads who also calls for a few of efes's top agents around the country . She's been doing for over 5 yrs . She's pulling her hair out getting people to answer the phone . The amount of robo calls plus screening software from cell co's Is making it challenging. Inbound calls and door knocking will be the way of the future .