Facebook Lead Appointment's

I agree. I'd rather speak with a lead now not later this week or next week. I believe they will have cooled down by then. Maybe some of the other agents that use calendly all week long will share their "no show" numbers. And if the interest level is as high as if they had spoken with the lead when the lead responded to the ad.
Like I said earlier, I can't help you with calendar leads or FB leads because I've never done those.

But I am doing the Calendly thing for medicare and it's working just fine.

I put a Calendly link on my website and my emails. It's integrated with my CRM. And once they hit my crm, my crm automatically sends out an SOA for them to sign as well as a pretty detailed form for drs, meds and such.

Once they send all that back I know they're serious and not just tire kickers.

And again, this is medicare. An entirely different world than FE.

But the short answer is yes the calendar thingy works.

The hard part is for you guys is figuring out how to get it to work for FE.
Like I said earlier, I can't help you with calendar leads or FB leads because I've never done those.

But I am doing the Calendly thing for medicare and it's working just fine.

I put a Calendly link on my website and my emails. It's integrated with my CRM. And once they hit my crm, my crm automatically sends out an SOA for them to sign as well as a pretty detailed form for drs, meds and such.

Once they send all that back I know they're serious and not just tire kickers.

And again, this is medicare. An entirely different world than FE.

But the short answer is yes the calendar thingy works.

The hard part is for you guys is figuring out how to get it to work for FE.

I think the question is beyond Medicare and FE , I think there just is a lot of differences on where the lead is coming from, and how they are getting the link

the thing is FB, They click on one ad FE or Medicare more then likely both they are going to get more advertisements and more links and more calls

The Intent is going to be lower,

Look I am finding for FE,. FB is way more effective then Medicare already, But it just takes time to learn the how's and procedures

The contact rate is much higher. the honestly level is much lower. but its all workable
Calendar appts. are unlikely to stick w/ FE b/c life insurance is a "should have, but..." whereas Medicare is a "must have."

Them setting the appt. indicates higher intent.

It's for you, not them.

A small % will need the appt. at the time they set--you'll discover that when you call them--immediately.
For final expense leads, I've had success sending them a link to a form that collects all the questions contained on the Mutual of Omaha Living Promise app. I call it a pre-qualification questionnaire. If they fill out the form, the close percentage is much higher.

Rather than calling them, I suggest texting them if it is a mobile number. Ask them questions in the text, like how soon they want the coverage, or what is the purpose of the coverage so you can prepare for the meeting. Then ask if they can hop on a call?