Are there any FE plans that pay dividends?

So agree with what you said.

It's most often not the product or the additional bells and whistles, it's the how it is presented that creates the mess.

Funny to me that so many newer agents think its the product knowledge that helps sale a case, when IMHO it is simplifying the product and reducing the choices. I feel my job is more about shrinking things down rather than building them up.

This is true no matter what you sell. Too many choices leads to "analysis paralysis".
In a box or In a can.
Underground I am.

Scoop by scoop the put me here,
Far too soon, Oh far too soon I fear!

In a box or In a can,
Underground I am.

Scoop by scoop they put me here,
Far too soon, Oh far too soon I fear!

Feed a tree
or nourish worms,
all the same
for FE claims.
To answer your initial question, ELCO mutual pays dividend on their final expense products. Direct contracting, Mike OBrien +1 (515) 777-5777