Are there any life carriers who would accept weekly premium payments

re: cards end dates---I tell this to clients, particularly for underwritten coverage, in my case 99% MedSupps. If you forget your CC/Debit card renewal on the underwritten policy and it lapses, you may not be able to get it back, if health conditions don't pass underwriting. I don't have many MedSupp carriers who are ok with bank cards, and while life policies are not my BnB, also, the carriers don't like it, and yes, expiring cards are a problem. Also, really, with ACA coverage, too, since open enrollment is the only time to reapply for coverage generally.
This client for health insurance currently, is the SIL of a person who is best friends with another client who I have deep roots with and referrals. So, yes, I am willing to entertain the possibilities for the new father and spouse.
This client for health insurance currently, is the SIL of a person who is best friends with another client who I have deep roots with and referrals. So, yes, I am willing to entertain the possibilities for the new father and spouse.
Tell them to save up for the next 4-weeks and you will apply in 1-month. Then each time they have a payment due, they will have 4-weeks to save up for it.
If they can't do that I don't care who's sister they are.