Are There Any Really Good Insurance Lead Companies?

If you think you are entitled to a sale because you paid for a lead (not saying this is you) then you will constantly be hopping around looking for the perfect lead. But it doesn't exist. That's really good news IMHO because it means that anyone willing to work (develop a system of follow-up) can build a business with even mediocre leads.

what are "mediocre" leads ?

I much rather work with a policy holder versus someone offered something free as an enticement, just as an example. But it really boils down to ROI.

not necessarily, I sell Medicare plans average 6 year commission

If I get 300 leads that have a 1 1/2% close ratio after returns and it cost me next to nothing if I am lucky I can close 5 deals and have good FYC but only close 5

or I can get 150 good leads that are expensive get 15 deals but it cost FYC

Which is better? I say 15 deals but many prefer ROI
If I get 300 leads that have a 1 1/2% close ratio after returns and it cost me next to nothing if I am lucky I can close 5 deals and have good FYC but only close 5

or I can get 150 good leads that are expensive get 15 deals but it cost FYC

Which is better? I say 15 deals but many prefer ROI

Not sure what you mean. I think you mean going through those 300 leads is too time consuming even though a better ROI ?
Not sure what you mean. I think you mean going through those 300 leads is too time consuming even though a better ROI ?

Yes in other words the 300 leads sucked up all the time chasing returns and trying to reach people with low contact rate and working hard with people being called by 30 agents but it only cost me $900 and I brought in $1350 FYC on average.

Where 150 high contact rate higher level of interest bring in $5K FYC at a cost of 5K

But the way I look at I get renewals for 5 year more
A lead is not an invitation to sell. It's permission to start a conversation. You have to master the conversation. This requires follow-up. Most agents are absolutely horrible at follow-up. One and done does not work in a competitive market. The fortune is in the follow-up.


This is a totally new idea to me. I like the concept.
When you meet with Gollini have him show you the index cards. Then go buy the book "One card system" to see the backstory and how to do it.

Its not 80% follow up.

Its 99%.

Thank you. You just taught me something important. And I think it is another piece of confirmation in regard to things I can and cannot do.

I bought a kitchen faucet on eBay a few weeks ago. One of the things the seller said about it was that it was old school quality. (re brass and stuff.)

I poked some fun at a couple of goillini's techniques in another thread. It is just because his old school approach to things is at times comic when one compares it to other discussions that go on in the forums.

I have had this vision of junior doorknockers following him down the street for some time. His last technique post has now got that picture updated. They are now all wearing messenger bags and reaching into those bags to extract a number 2 pencil and a legal pad or box of index cards. I suppose there is a musical in there somewhere.

In the serious vein, I think I see 4 approaches to selling Medicare supplements. There may be more I haven't picked up on.
As done by G.
As done by K.
As done by S.
As done by V and C.

What you just showed me is that there are some additional steps to running the business successfully that are not immediately apparent when I just identify some business philosophy and sales technique differences.

More and more I am feeling like these insurance businesses are like a tarbaby or an inescapable ponzi scheme in relation to an ever increasing need for customer support which creates a need for more customer support resources which creates a need for more customers to support the support structure.

The fact that I would use words like tarbaby or ponzi scheme suggest that I need to give some consideration to Newby's extreme comment about hating what one is doing. And for the moment I need to stop there.

Thank you for taking the time to give me a personal answer to things you are observing.


To follow up on the concept that the "best" lead generation system or service requires a follow up system for the leads,

Here are two threads for the One Card System
i was looking for the good quality and latest good design kitchen faucets if any of you here have experience with buying a good product let me know that Which is the best kitchen faucet?

And now you can go on over to Lowe's or Home Depot and ask them about insurance. :goofy:
There are companies out there that don't sell leads to multiple agents at once. That model made my lead companies creates unnecessary competition in the space. You'll want to look for companies that have an inbound model, sell a call or lead once exclusively, and has a liberal return policy.