Some of it has worked already (like children insured to age 26),
Most of the claims for these adult children are maternity or A/D rehab.
Loss ratio's on these "children" are impacting group plans in particular.
oesn't address the root issues of the cost of care and the ineffectiveness of our healthcare delivery model.
Utilization and insuring things that don't need to be insured (like doctor visits) drive the cost as much as anything.
We also are a nation of drug addicts. More anti-depressants per capita than any other nation.
Those who want to move away from paying for services rendered to only paying for results will eventually figure out that will severely ration health care accessibility.
if we incur an expensive condition, we will be able to jump into the health care market without being excluded for a pre-existing condition. So we'll most likely wait for health coverage until then.
I trust you explained how this won't work.