As Democrats Talk Single Payer, Private Medicare Advantage Soars

Medicare For All Could Die In 2020 As Private Insurers Add Seniors

Given the expansions of many established health plans into new regions and an increasing number of new entrants and startups selling Medicare Advantage, enrollment for 2020 is expected to eclipse 2019’s record. Enrollment last year in Medicare Advantage plans surpassed 22 million, which is 35% of total Medicare beneficiaries and it’s expected to reach 24 million for the 2020 plan year.

And any additional enrollment for 2020 will be difficult to uproot as candidates are finding out on the Presidential campaign trail.
Sally Pipes: Coronavirus could break 'Medicare-for-all' — single-payer systems struggle with outbreaks

In January 2018, the NHS postponed some 55,000 operations because of an outbreak of seasonal illnesses like the flu. One doctor in central England apologized for what he called “third-world conditions,” including 12-hour waits and patients being treated in corridors at his hospital. Another physician likened the scene in his London hospital to “battlefield medicine.”

The Canadian and British health care systems show just how hard it can be to battle an outbreak under single-payer. Let’s not replicate their experiences by adopting "Medicare-for-all."

The Canadian and British health care systems show just how hard it can be to battle an outbreak under single-payer.

And how is it different under ou system? If coronavirus, for example, were to have a breakout in any city or county in the US< the local medical community would quickly be overwhelmed. Because everyone is coming for treatment - whether they have insurance or not.

And wouldn't you med sup agents clean up under medicare for all? If everyone had access to a basic menu of health services, and those service could be supplemented with med supp plans, doesn't that almost bring the health insurance industry back fro obamacare death?

I'm really asking - these aren't rhetorical and I do not know the answers.
DayTimer said:

And how is it different under our system? If coronavirus, for example, were to have a breakout in any city or county in the US< the local medical community would quickly be overwhelmed. Because everyone is coming for treatment - whether they have insurance or not.

We don't have "Medicare for All" that lack adequate healthcare, hospital beds and other resources.

One of my sisters currently lives in Honduras (by way of Belize) for the moment. She said last week a cruise ship tried going into port to Belize with some folks from China on it but Belize sent them back to CA or wherever the ship came in from. They don't want them on the main island there. Can you imagine, a tiny little country like that getting hit with Corona Virus?

And wouldn't you med sup agents clean up under medicare for all? If everyone had access to a basic menu of health services, and those service could be supplemented with med supp plans, doesn't that almost bring the health insurance industry back fro obamacare death?

I think it would end up being more like "Medicaid-For-All," or we'd have MA plans, with deductibles, MOOPs and co-pays. Nothing would be "free."
Can Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All work? No time soon, Princeton economist says at Penn.

Rather than proposing to dismantle a big chunk of the American economy all at once, he said, it would be smarter for the next president to find smaller yet still meaningful reforms that have a chance of getting through Congress. “Midlife Medicare,” in which eligibility age would gradually go lower than the current 65, would help millions of Americans, without “destabilizing the rest of the system," he said.

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