Ask A Telemarketer

Steps to set an appoint on the commercial lines.

1 Get their attention

2 Create an interest

3 Give them a benefit in doing business with you

4 Finally give them a choice or choice decision when setting the appointment.

This is what works for me and I hope it will help you out.

April renewals are coming up fast this is the time to boost your books and get excited about new business, this is the time to smile and dial, because it will be June before the next hot renewal time.
Dear Telemarketer:laugh:

Is FE telemarketing for an individual agent (buying a list and doing your own CCalling, prequalifying) feasible? This is common with med supps but it's apparently not done with FE. Yet someone, e.g. call centers, apparently do this and then sell the leads to agents. Is this a matter of numbers? Is the success rate (on finding a lead) so low that you have to throw massive volume, like a call center, at a list? Why then does it work on an individual basis for med supps?
Mike does b2b calling, I believe exclusively.

FE cold calling is something that agents do themselves and people have purchased lists from me to do just that with varying amounts of success. I've had my telemarketers call on it and on our best week had an agent write over $7k in premium off telemarketed leads generated by overseas telemarketers. A version of the script we've used is on Free Telemarketing Scripts For Everyone!.

One of the problems a lot of agents get into with FE (and many other products) is in prequalifying them before making the pitch. FE is a product most folks need to be educated on vs Med supps which is more or less a commodity they already either do or do not see the need in. If you're calling on FE the best thing you can do is try to get to the kitchen table and evaluate from there. Seniors get told not to give out health or financial information over the phone and if you try to prequalify them you'll be doing just that.

Generating an FE lead is *much* more work than a Med supp lead.
Dear Telemarketer:laugh:

Is FE telemarketing for an individual agent (buying a list and doing your own CCalling, prequalifying) feasible? This is common with med supps but it's apparently not done with FE. Yet someone, e.g. call centers, apparently do this and then sell the leads to agents. Is this a matter of numbers? Is the success rate (on finding a lead) so low that you have to throw massive volume, like a call center, at a list? Why then does it work on an individual basis for med supps?
Josh is right and the premium amount on personal lines does not justify the cost of tele-marketing so any one who says they can make personal lines work are lying and trying to get your money.
Hi Mike. I know this will vary based upon the industry they are in but do you have a preferred time of day to call on Commercial accounts? Or even day of week? I tend to like calling before lunch but I was just interested in your prospective.
Hi Mike. I know this will vary based upon the industry they are in but do you have a preferred time of day to call on Commercial accounts? Or even day of week? I tend to like calling before lunch but I was just interested in your prospective.

Don't waste your time on Fridays. Times do vary on industry. Best days of the week are Tues., Wednesday, Thursday. If I did have to look at my results and pick a time we have better luck in the afternoon rather than the morning. I hope this will help let me know if there is anything else I can do.
July Renewals are here!!!! You have to ask yourself if you are being aggressive when it comes to getting new clients and if so what is my competition doing and how aggressive are they? Setting appointments is a simple fact of just doing what you say, and caring if you fail or not. You should be looking forward to this summer because it's an election year and the comm. market is hardening it is time to make some money! If you need my help just ask.
Dear Telemarketer:laugh:

Is FE telemarketing for an individual agent (buying a list and doing your own CCalling, prequalifying) feasible?

This is what we do and do well. We have agents that cold call 2 days a week and see people 2-3 days per week. Feel free to PM or call me to speak more about your situation. We provide lists for all our agents.
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