automated voice mail from UHC


100+ Post Club
Due to the ABC story, did any of you get an automated call from UHC about assurance of selling these plans and the plans themselves? I got one after 9 pm last night.

R u serious..... a ha.... look how they reach to the agents... you know... the people who make this happen for them and their bz...

Interesting how some of these carriers put us through the ringer and talk so badly to us.. when we call in for help (and I won't say which ones.. makes me so angry at times.. b/c I try to help and help my clients) ... and now, this particular company is taking a different stance to their delegated folks... THAT'S RIGHT! Be kind to the hand that feeds you!
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MA's have had such bad publicity this past year. Glad I am not in that market. Probably why I didn't read that thread.
I got the VM yesterday evening (Ken somebody) going on and on and on. Mentioned a specific incident where a gentlemen was treated (I don't recall the word "experimental" being used but that was the jist of it) and that the procedure would not have been covered under Original Medicare, either.

This is something the insurance companies are simply going to have to deal with. Either their customers understand the limitations of the plan or they don't. The doctors involved would have had to know, as well!
Yeah, got my vmail last night, too. Interesting that it took two months to process my agent contract with them. I was told on several occasions that my contract ap was "lost" and re-submit. No wonder their clients complain.:arghh:
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Yeah, got my vmail last night, too. Interesting that it took two months to process my agent contract with them. I was told on several occasions that my contract ap was "lost" and re-submit. No wonder their clients complain.:arghh:

Yeah... I got so tired of their backward moving last minute surprises... "oh sign this" and "oh wait, one more test, you're not done yet, another test" and " oh hey, we just added some more tests you're not done yet really..."... bla bla bla.... and you know their programs suck in my area! C YA...!!!!