UHC 2025 First Looks....

This is an enormous opportunity for newer agents. It is an enormous liability for experienced agents with large books of business. We forget that many of the millionaire agents playing golf outside of the AEP made all that money when they were young and small and caught a wave of market disruption or geo expansion.

We’ve had incredible stability for the last 6-8 years, and a wild run of benefit improvements. That’s all that some agents know.

For an agent with a large book of business, there is very little if anything good about the upcoming AEP. They’ll spend the season defending their book. Margins will go down. This is part of the business.

For an agent with a small book and who is focused on growth, the upcoming AEP is a golden opportunity to be the next agent with an enormous book of business.

Even for a large agency with the infrastructure in place to keep growing, I argue the upcoming AEP is still not great with them. You’ve still got to throw a lot of resources toward defending your book, and you won’t be able to save everyone. You certainly won’t be able to achieve the net growth otherwise expected.

It’s not all gloom and doom but you’re kidding yourself if you think this is a good time for anyone with a giant book of business. For them, success is defending that book well.

Don acting like we don’t know he’s making new accounts out here.
I’m not Don.

Should I post copies of all my financial statements? I don’t have time for that because I’m presently trading a multilayer commodity options trade in Australia while literally selling three MA plans at the same time, one of whom speaks Tagalog.

Did you know I speak Tagalog? I pretty much own that market. Took me a few hours to get proficient at it. Picked it up in between classes where I learned Archi. I’m one of the 900 people who know it.

Nothing I’ve written sounds anything like Don. In fact, my nickname is Ron, a completely different name than Don.

No time to say more. I’m on my way to a home visit at a group home and my driver just arrived. I’ll sell 10 policies in an hour.


I’m not Don.

Should I post copies of all my financial statements? I don’t have time for that because I’m presently trading a multilayer commodity options trade in Australia while literally selling three MA plans at the same time, one of whom speaks Tagalog.

Did you know I speak Tagalog? I pretty much own that market. Took me a few hours to get proficient at it. Picked it up in between classes where I learned Archi. I’m one of the 900 people who know it.

Nothing I’ve written sounds anything like Don. In fact, my nickname is Ron, a completely different name than Don.

No time to say more. I’m on my way to a home visit at a group home and my driver just arrived. I’ll sell 10 policies in an hour.



I’m not Don.

Should I post copies of all my financial statements? I don’t have time for that because I’m presently trading a multilayer commodity options trade in Australia while literally selling three MA plans at the same time, one of whom speaks Tagalog.

Did you know I speak Tagalog? I pretty much own that market. Took me a few hours to get proficient at it. Picked it up in between classes where I learned Archi. I’m one of the 900 people who know it.

Nothing I’ve written sounds anything like Don. In fact, my nickname is Ron, a completely different name than Don.

No time to say more. I’m on my way to a home visit at a group home and my driver just arrived. I’ll sell 10 policies in an hour.


Your grammar and spelling shows you're not Don.
I ordered supplies today from UHC. I noticed the Walgreens PDP plan in Florida is no more as of January.
Like I said I do Medicare out of love for helping people . One of many accounts .

Bro, get TF over yourself, no one here cares how much money you have in your account. It's quite honestly pathetic that you feel the need to share this over and over again and to be honest shows some deep-seated need to be accepted.