Avoid Having to Pay AHIP $100 or More

I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't offer it. AHIP lost a lot of money last year when CMS offered the testing. AHIP is a pretty powerful organization in Washington....or let's just say they have a lot to say about healthcare there. Putting two and two together and thinking how things work there.......I'm leaning towards no they wont offer. Hopefully I'm wrong but you'd think we would know my mid-Sept at the latest.
Take the CMS Pilot Agent and Broker Training course. To register for the training, click the link at https://hpmstraining.cms.hhs.gov/agentbrokertraining2009/event/registration.html.

CMS has mandated that Medicare Advantage and Part D carriers must accept the certification as satisfying the CMS training requirement. I have verified that Aetna, Healthnet, and Wellcare will accept the certification in lieu of the AHIP certification. I believe that all other carriers will probably accept the certification as well.

Good luck.:biggrin:

Thanks for this information, slick way around it :goofy: