It's that simple! lol I guess I'm just not good knocking on doors- but this is a great idea. I'm going to think about this a bit. We have lots of suburban areas with wives at home with the kids.
Thank you!
Saturday is a good day to give it a try. (between 9am and 1pm.)
Just check with your city or county first to see if you need a soliciting permit.
Thank you Thomasm,
Did a little research on the forum, and no-disrespect, but Aren't you a LH agent who door knocks for LH leads? And you sell leads to PC guys/gals?
No offense my friend, but door knocking for PC leads wouldn't work in my area as MANY communities are gated. I think the best way to get leads are through contacts and networks. One can surely TRY this method, but i don't think i have the stamina to do it in our weather down here (it's always hot in Florida---don't know where you are)???
You must have read some of my old posts. I used to door knock seniors for L/H (life & health, not Lincoln Heritage. haha!)
I found it to be too futile, so I moved on to selling Med Supp's over the phone during the day, and took a D2D job canvassing P&C leads for a captive shop in the evenings and Saturdays.
I've always been a good canvasser. My first sales job was for Kirby. Couldn't sell them dirt suckers very well but I could keep an entire van crew booked all day with appointments because of my canvassing skills!
I've only been canvassing in Utah but I did knock Las Vegas one month back in 2006. So I know some areas can be tough.
What I remember about Vegas is people don't use their front doors. They enter and exit via the garage door. You'd go up the door and it would be plastered with old flyers and door hangers.
Oh and I hated those metal screen doors where you couldn't see who you were talking too.
And even in nice areas like Summerlin, people were afraid to answer their door after dark. (6pm)
Long story short, some places are tough to knock, but you know what... we still got in!
As for the gated communities, us being juveniles, we would either climb the gate, or wait till a car pulled out, and sneak in.
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