Backers Admit Obamacare Increases and Justify It

Good article, and great justification, but I would argue that Dems have come out and are saying that it's a "good thing" that rates are up. His argument, however, is logical outside of that point and was what we were saying all along.

It's a shame that no one listened to us and our expertise. Which doesn't surprise me now that navigators are being held in higher regard by the government and the other implementation stooges.
The part that really has been ignored now that the plans have been published in California is the claim that John Q. Consumer will be paying more because of 'better coverage'. This is patently false. These Silver plans with $40 copays with 30% coinsurance is not better coverage. Couple that with the extremely narrow networks, it absolutely boils me to hear the argument that the coverage is better as a false justification.
Facts can't compete with rhetoric, especially among the low information crowd.

I've always liked the "perception is truth" saying myself. It becomes a bit more scary when you realize the BS being spread to millions over the major outlets, and the real facts hidden away in official paperwork and releases.

If you tell people it's cheaper and better, the majority will accept it as fact.
I've always liked the "perception is truth" saying myself. It becomes a bit more scary when you realize the BS being spread to millions over the major outlets, and the real facts hidden away in official paperwork and releases.

If you tell people it's cheaper and better, the majority will accept it as fact.

They will believe it as fact until families find what their actual premium and out-of-pocket will be. Add to those shockers the fact that they can't see their lifelong physician and...BOOM! Obamacare is history...and, as someone said in another thread today, Universal Healthcare will not be possible either.

There is no Obamacare "scoreboard" where we will see the final score, or any score for that matter. There will be talking points for years to come from both sides of the aisle. There will be gov't numbers spewed out that will be debated for years to come (think official unemployment rate vs real unemployment rate).

This puppy will come down to individual vs individual. Many will be hurt by the law, and many will be helped by the law. The only thing that will change this law is if too many are hurt, they vote, and the politicians actually listen to those voters.
Noooooooooooo! I want my 1,000 post badge first.

Nevermind, I already have it. Carry on.