Backers Admit Obamacare Increases and Justify It

Just a wild guess here......Allen is not a political science major....even no odd no wait uhh its one of
they wanted and expected this to happen. the commies will then campaign on needing a public option in the exchanges to step up and deliver what the "free market" couldn't. eliminating private insurance has been the end stage target all along.
I saw an article today that stated the goal wasn't to help everyone, just the old and sick. Spin cycle has started.
I read that yesterday. I figured they didn't really want it to work so they could eventually have a single payer. More supps for everyone lol.
If ObamaCare affects so few people, as Wendel Potter says in this article, why is it so hard to implement, why does it cost so much, and how the hell can something that affects only a relatively few, lead to Nationalized Healthcare?

OPINION: reality check on the Affordable Care Act | The Center for Public Integrity

Perhaps most Americans won't notice any difference in their health insurance coverage come 2014? But then again, 47 million are uninsured. That's not chicken feed.
People don't want a single payer system. If the damn elected officials would just quit messing with THEIR ideas of what WE want, everyone would be better off. The last thing I want is the government involved in my health care any more than they are now, which is 100% too much!