I'm thoroughly convinced lifting weights is critical as well, unless your doing other manual labor. The research on correlation between bone density and lifting weight, being directly proportionate, is fairly well proven.

you don't want to have that broken hip fall. It's a killer
I was visiting grandkids yesterday after going to my 4 year old granddaughter's dance recital, and I hear Thunderstruck coming from the basement. My 9 year old grandson was down there lifting weights and listening to AC/DC(like his Gramps, he loves AC/DC). His mom said he's been doing it for several weeks. He's going to be strong. When my son punishes him, he makes him do pushups...the right way. I can lift more than him, but he blows me away on the pushups. :yes:

I had to go watch and listen. He was at it for 2 hours. Turned him on to the Doors, Amboy Dukes and REO(he really liked Keep Pushin). That was a good time. :laugh:

Yes, he likes bacon. :yes:
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