I'm sitting at home looking out at not a whole lot of snow waiting for this 4 to 8 or 6 to 9 inches of white stuff to show up. Here is another forecast ... far more accurate than any of the weather folks have ever come up with ...

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Yep, I gave it a shot. With the vegan diet, I ended up eating more fat and imitation crap than ever and was pretty miserable

Eating lots of grilled veggies, animal meat, and salads, is the way to go.
I'd substitute much of the animal fat with grilled shrimp and fish. Go watch Game changers on netflix. It'll open your eyes . I think moderation is the way to go . 80/20 clean diet. That needs to be part of your training as most Fe agents eat terrible as their on the road all the time .Many are young and will suffer greatly down the line with terrible health.
Go watch Game changers on netflix.

Game Changers, life Forks Over Knives, What the Health, and all other vegan propaganda is built on mis-statements, partial statements, and ignoring ALL the evidence that human vegans are not optimally healthy. These programs are not really about health. The foundational principle behind all these efforts is to reduce or eliminate animals as a food source for ETHICAL reasons, not health. Don't be fooled. Vegan propaganda is the real FAKE news.

The Game Changers Movie Review and Fact Check

In one instance where Wilks does cite actual peer-reviewed research, he narrates: "And when it comes to gaining strength and muscle mass, research comparing plant and animal protein has shown that as long as the proper amount of aminos acids are consumed the source is irrelevant."

What Wilks doesn't call out is that the same study states this: "as a group, vegetarians have lower mean muscle creatine concentrations than do omnivores, and this may affect supramaximal exercise performance." emphasis added
I've believed for a while now that part of the reason so many Americans apparently have difficulty thinking logically is because of poor diet choices. That includes those that eschew the consumption of animal products. This doctor agrees:
The Brain Needs Animal Fat

I will have to try to hunt down the links, but there are actual studies that have shown

1) Those with higher cholesterol have lower all-cause mortality, and

2) Those with lower cholesterol are more likely to develop Alzheimer's or dementia.

So we now have a population where most of those 50+ are on cholesterol lowering medications. I mean, I think maybe 1 out of 10 of my FE prospect isn't taking some statin.

So we now have a medical healthcare system set up to kill people early and have those who don't die early lose their minds.