If your read 10 strories there all different . Thats why i said moderation is the way to go. I cut out 95% of red meat and went to mostly fruit,veggies,seafood and my cholesterol dropped 55 pts . I feel better than ever. Thats all the proof i personally need.Everyone has to do whats best for themselves.
Wife is a "crunchy" gal and I love her for it. She has been keeping up on the idea that we all are iodine deficient now days because of the lack of it naturally in our food. A trip to a holistic doctor recently, confirmed through conversation the importance of iodine.

Many folks are on thyroid meds often due to the lack of it. Amazing what I see in the field and how it corresponds to the information that my wife relates to me. It may not be mainstream, but it seems that mainstream is deficient itself on much of what really needs addressed these days.
Wife is a "crunchy" gal and I love her for it. She has been keeping up on the idea that we all are iodine deficient now days because of the lack of it naturally in our food. A trip to a holistic doctor recently, confirmed through conversation the importance of iodine.

Many folks are on thyroid meds often due to the lack of it. Amazing what I see in the field and how it corresponds to the information that my wife relates to me. It may not be mainstream, but it seems that mainstream is deficient itself on much of what really needs addressed these days.
Everybody is intent on reducing salt intake which is the primary source of iodine in our diets.

Your showing your age... look it up.

Everybody is intent on reducing salt intake which is the primary source of iodine in our diets.

My wife says the pink salt is good for you and actually helps to stabilize your BP. Take a look at how they process salt and you will be amazed at what they take out of it before you get it.
Hmm... didn't find what a mean so I better define before everyone thinks I married a hippie. :laugh:

What I was trying to infer is that she is health conscious. :yes: Sort of the old school type. Understands the importance of herbs and works to stay away from packaged food. More of a natural food person. Not a bacon lover I'm afraid.
Sounds like my wife.....except for the bacon. :laugh: