1) Those with higher cholesterol have lower all-cause mortality, and

2) Those with lower cholesterol are more likely to develop Alzheimer's or dementia.

So we now have a population where most of those 50+ are on cholesterol lowering medications. I mean, I think maybe 1 out of 10 of my FE prospect isn't taking some statin.

So we now have a medical healthcare system set up to kill people early and have those who don't die early lose their minds.

Either way you will eventually die
I have heard many times warnings about nitrates in Bacon, Hotdogs, Deli meats

These warning always are attached to some pitch on more veggies in the diet

Not one time Have I heard there are nitrates in veggies

You need to stop watching left wing news. Only Socialists are trying to keep you from eating meat.

Veggies are picked by immigrant labor.
DO NOT BUTTER or COCONUT OIL your coffee until you are at your goal weight (if ever). Yes, blending a table spoon of buter and coconut oil into your coffee tastes great. IT is also an extra 200 to 300 calories of fat that your body will have to burn before it turns to the fat in your body for fuel. You will not need "exogenous ketones" ever. You need to return your human body to its natural metabolism - eat meat, drink water, get lean.

Ok do you mean even for one cup

I just started with this coffee I do only one cup a day with coconut oil and butter the rest of the coffee is with nutpods creamer 0 carbs

This coffee has kept me full till late afternoon, I have that and maybe 2 slices of either bacon yesterday or salami today

Since I am now day 5 on this diet will this hinder my efforts am I better of getting the same or more calories in food?

Also being new at this was reading a lot about be careful of too much protein and I thought this coffee would help since it has no protein and I am getting protein from all the meat and I did not want to spend too much time trying to calculate % of protein to fat to make sure protein does not have too high % vrs fat

But If I am wrong as a newbie on this I will stop now

Changes in cholesterol levels in either direction to low cholesterol or persistently low cholesterol levels were associated with higher risk of mortality. Particularly, spontaneous decline in cholesterol levels may be a marker for worsening health conditions.

"We found that high cholesterol levels were significantly related to brain plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease,"
strong evidence that watching our cholesterol levels may help ward off Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

Lowering Cholesterol May Help Ward Off Alzheimer's
For myself, I have afib and take a water pill, for swelling, Usually, sodium has a real bad effect on me, Even eating one high sodium meal could make me swell horribly

However, I am eating so much more sodium than even and I am not swelling, I've been peeing like crazy, and I have been so thirsty and been drinking a ton of water, This does not make sense

I am considering to stop the water pill few days to see what happens, I have been getting horrible headaches every day since I started I wonder if this diet is changing they way I absorb sodium and if the water pill is too much now

The headaches are the keto flu and it is the result of your body learning to do with less glucose.

The water pill is diuretic (removes water/makes you pee). The keto diet is also diuretic. You are likely dehydrating yourself. That being said, perhaps talk to your doctor before changing your medication. I would tell him/her that you decided to go on a no sugar diet. Don't use the phrase keto unless you know your doctor is on board with keto - otherwise you'll get a bunch of reactionary BS. No doctor should have a problem with a patient who cuts out processed sugars and carbs and sticks to meat and non-starchy veggies.
If your doctor does have a problem, I strongly suggest a new doctor.

I am sure the water pill will not be needed so long as you cut the sugar and processed carbs, but dammit, Vic, I'm and insurance salesman, not a doctor!

Ok do you mean even for one cup

If weight loss is a goal and you are losing weight then you are fine. Many folks who tried keto and quit because it "didn't work" likely failed because they started drinking a ton of calories in the form of buttered coffee and coconut oil shakes.

Remember that when we eat, any calories not immediately needed will be stored as fat. What a keto diet does is then allow those calories to be released from the fat tissue and subsequently burned as energy, whereas a high sugar/carb diet leads to the body's inability to release energy from fat, thus causing one to need to eat even more, and thus store more and more fat. You can still gain weight on keto. The purpose of the keto diet is to reverse the metabolic damage and derangement that will allow your body to burn the fat you have accumulated. Once you lose that fat and get to goal weight, you will likely be able to eat sticks of butter dipper in your coffee and not gain an ounce. But if you are overweight, lay off the fat and let your body be its own fuel source.

Right now, you can actually eat a bit leaner meat than you will need a month or two or three from now because you want the fat for your current "high fat" diet to come from YOU!

I suggest you do not worry about chasing some magical protein:fat ratio. I started with and continue to drink two to three cups of coffee per day, each with a tablespoon or two of heavy cream. I tend to eat my steak and burgers grilled, my pork pan fried in bacon grease, and my chicken oven roasted. I add little to no fat: very little butter ever and sometimes some olive oil if I'm politely being forced to eat a salad.
"We found that high cholesterol levels were significantly related to brain plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease,"
strong evidence that watching our cholesterol levels may help ward off Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

Lowering Cholesterol May Help Ward Off Alzheimer's

There are multiple studies suggesting such a link, but nearly every one notes that it is not cholesterol oxidation alone, or cholesterol level alone. IN all cases of Alzheimer's glucose dysmetabolism aka insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia) accompany the development of Alzheimer's. So certain is the link that many researchers are suggesting that Alzheimer's be classified as type 3 diabetes: insulin resistance of the brain.

In other studies you will find that high cholesterol is associated with lower all-cause mortality. The problem, I am convinced, is a diet high in sugars, starches, and highly processed carbs.

Triglycerides, more than cholesterol, are the marker to watch for, imo.

"In Alzheimer's disease (AD), both cholesterol and glucose dysmetabolism precede the onset of memory deficit and contribute to the disease's progression. It is indeed now believed that oxidized cholesterol in the form of oxysterols and altered glucose uptake are the main triggers in AD affecting production and clearance of Aβ, and tau phosphorylation."
@vic120 - getting horrible headaches

You are dehydrated.

Drink a glass of water vs taking an aspirin or whatever pill for headaches. Give the water 20 minutes or so. If your headache is gone you don't need the pill.

The water pill is diuretic (removes water/makes you pee). The keto diet is also diuretic. You are likely dehydrating yourself.

Might need to add potassium rich food to your diet to restore electrolytes.

Fat isn't converted to body fat but xs fat will be stored.

Each type of fat is processed differently by your body. Unlike carbs, this nutrient has a negligible effect on insulin and blood sugar levels. Additionally, it suppresses appetite and keeps you full longer. That's why low-carb, high-fat diets and ketogenic diets are so effective for fat loss.

After ingestion, lipids (dietary fats) are broken down into glycerol and smaller chain fatty acids by lipase, a pancreatic enzyme. This process is known as lipolysis. Next, these compounds are converted to triglycerides, which travel to your muscles, liver and fat tissues where they're once again broken down into glycerol and fatty acids. Some are used for energy and other biochemical processes. The excess is stored as fat in adipose tissues.
Does Consumed Fat Get Converted to Fat in the Body?

olive oil if I'm politely being forced to eat a salad.

Do you kill the ingredients or buy them already dead?