Bankers Life and Casualty?

Yeah. They have a desparate need for money, even after they wash out of the business. If you can find them they will sell you their customer list for $100 or so.

If you could purchase such a list it would be like buying guaranteed sales in my experience. I very rarely talk to a prospect that has Bankers that I haven't been able to switch.
I was competing against a Bankers Life agent from an internet lead. I sent the woman AARP's Med supp info. She wanted Plan F. When I spoke to the lady a few days later, she said this woman from Banker's Life wanted her to take their Med supp. The Banker's Agent told the client that AARP's rates go up every year. I had already told the client about the 30% discount and how it will disappear over a 10 year period and their rates would go up at least 3% a year, maybe more. Of course the Bankers agent didn't bother to tell her that her rates would go up every year with Bankers due to age. Also, she wouldn't give the woman a price quote over the phone, she said she had to do it in person.