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Bankruptcy - can I be an agent?

. . .dont worry about advance you wont get them . . .

I repeat dont worry about advance due to the BK however.

You are so wrong. I personally had a BK in 2004 - and I'm appointed with GR and receive a 9 month advance @ 26%.

One lady in my downline - a new recruit a few eeks ago - got appointed with GR and she is presently in a chapter 13.

I don't know where you get your info - you must be with the wrong group.

BK isn't the problem - it's the reasons for the BK that the carriers look at - even then - appointment isn't impossible.

agreed however his bankruptcy has been discharged less than a year ago Mega wont even take him for example.

Ive been in this business over 15 years between securities and insurance so trust my judgement. The others are right about you I like ur enthusiam but understand you dont know anything about being an expert advisor and you are wet behind the ears
#1 - agreed however his bankruptcy has been discharged less than a year ago Mega wont even take him for example.

#2 - Ive been in this business over 15 years between securities and insurance so trust my judgement. The others are right about you I like ur enthusiam but understand you dont know anything about being an expert advisor and you are wet behind the ears

#1 - I can get him appointed with several carriers - life and health. In my downline - I have a few still in a 13, a few out of a 13 and one just out of a 7 - so, anything is possible.

#2 - I doubt there are many "experts" in insurance sales. LOL @ advisor. That's a "feel good" word. The majority of clients don't give a chit what you think of yourself or what you title yourself - they want the best available coverage at the best price with the best service. Get real . . .

But if it makes you "feel good" - go for it . . .

wow ur getting wiitier Tom, you must have taken your ginseng today.

However Tom, the problem is this you ahve a responsibility to ur clients ur set up will churn clients because u dont care if these greenpeas do the right thing..

And experience is important dude I can assure you of that. I represent every worthwhile health carriers and many life annuity and fund names for just that reason.

Customer Srvc

and yes i do have a bunch of leytters after my name, but that doesnt make a professional, being a professional does
#1 - However Tom, the problem is this you ahve a responsibility to ur clients ur set up will churn clients because u dont care if these greenpeas do the right thing.

#2 - and yes i do have a bunch of leytters after my name, but that doesnt make a professional, being a professional does

#1 - Our setup offers the best available product at a price point they enroll into. If they churn - that's their problem - we'll just write another one. We offer quality products, competitive pricing and stellar customer service.

#2 - I can imagine. Would some of them be A.S.S. ?

Take more ginseng dude ur mind is cloudy

by churning i mean selling a client an inappropriate product.

You are in essense creating a boiler room

you will attract those who must sell and will sell anything to get a check

That is the problem your very model is one of adverse selection im sure uve heard that term in ur vast experience
#1 - by churning i mean selling a client an inappropriate product.

#2 - You are in essense creating a boiler room. you will attract those who must sell and will sell anything to get a check

#3 - That is the problem your very model is one of adverse selection im sure uve heard that term in ur vast experience

#1 - in sales - "churning" means to sell, replace, sell, replace . . .

#2 - Yes - we will attract salespeople and closers. We have quality products - say what you want - but there are worse carriers and products out there.

#3 - no adverse selection here. We sell them all.
