I would like to get some feedback about TheGeneralAgent.com LLC that is managed by Wesley Brinson.Especially from agents who areworking with him.
He seems like a fine family man, smart and friendly. He has regular training webinars. He's accessible. He's helpful when you seek him out. But he's very, very, very busy and so the 'squeaky wheel gets the grease."
With the new Health care law - there's been a lot more silence from him. He hasn't written much about HCR and definitely hasn't given any warnings or said anything negative. When I asked how it will impact our business, I just got an old pep talk. And his regular webinars seem to be fewer.
Wes and other GAs may not have as much interest in their agents as before. I'm not one of his top producers - perhaps they get more contact.
I don't rely on one source for help and info and I actually get more help and diverse input here from this forum.
If I could do it over, I would read this forum first and look into the GAs from this forum. Although now I might just go directly through the carriers. That's how I quote anyway.
Not sure if this is typical, but he has "partners" through the different carriers which is quite confusing at first. I would ask "who is this?" when I received an email or correspondence from someone and he would answer - my partner with GR or Aetna, etc.
I suggest you ask the members here to tell you about their GA and why they like him/her. Or perhaps the GAs on this list can tell why you should sign with them? Hope this helps!