- 30,590
Just like with the internet, you can't believe everything you see on T.V. Have you heard about "Fake News"?Per Stirpes is always for the primary beneficiary, but I guess if all of them passed away then you could even do a per stirpes contingent, could happen I guess. But if you name 2 or 3 or however many kids as your primary beneficiary ( split equally or however you want it ), if one of your kids passed away it doesn't go to that beneficiaries family, it doesn't work that way, that share gets split between the other beneficiaries (I learned this watching the LIFETIME channel). Perfect example would be if you outlived all your beneficiaries and never changed them, when you pass away it does not go to the predeceased beneficiary's family members, we all know it goes to the estate of the insured. On the other hand if it was noted per stirpes each family would get an equal distribution and none of it would go to the estate in most cases. To take it a crazy step further, if the beneficiary passes away after the insured but before the death benefit is paid out it unfortunately goes to the beneficiaries estate.
Not dsagreeingwith you, just pointing out that you can't believe everything you see on T.V.