Best Areas for FE - Urban or Country??

That city is urban. The largest city within a 100 miles of me is 100,000 people. That's the big city around these parts.:laugh:

Rual is everywhere else almost. The nearest town to me is about 20,000 people. That's not what I consider rural when running appointments. Probably would be for you city folk.

Rural is when an exciting Saturday evening is when everyone goes clockwise around the town square.
I'd be more concerned with your response rate than whether it's urban or country. I'd love to sell final expense here in Phoenix. Problem is the response rate hovers around .04% on mailers. In the rural areas a it's more like .08%. If you can get a good response rate in a city, then go for it. You'll be able to do a lot more appointments since the houses will be so much closer to each other.
Urban... more people to target and perhaps more competition. Country... likely just the opposite.
Could differ depending on where you a test on both and let us know what you find. Who doesn't like a nice drive to the country with less traffic?
I've found it can be a delicate balance.
You don't want 'too' urban.
You don't want 'too' rural.
You don't want 'too' in-between.

Urban is good because there are people who fit our a point, then you get into cracktown/no chx.

Rural is good because there are people who fit our a point, then you get into methtown/no chx.

The 'inbetween' is an area that is in a major market, not rich, not poor, but bombarded with so much direct mail and salespeople at the door, they just hangup or slam the door because of conditioning. They are practiced rejectors. That is more difficult than the other two.

Bottom line :
Urban = fewer miles, more volume of doors per sq mile
Rural = scenic drives, nicer people
InBetween = traffic all darn day, and people who think they've got your number *slam*

the only thing consistant is the demo: age 65-85, <$50k yr income.
Hey Paperhanger,

After reading your post I am very confused. It all sounds like so much work, and I am getting kinda confused because I don't even know where to work.

Maybe it's time to just sitback, drink a beer and figure things out. I just might not be cut out for this sort of job. I Better go back to the car lot and push some sleds. If they will even take me back!!!!

Dam I wish I hadn't of burnt that bridge!

I guess what I mean is that the people are basically the same no matter what area you work, it's just the area that's different. We can generalize and over-think it all day long, but overall the demo is the same, and so are the people.

I see that you target your markets by area code.

I am able to target my markets by postal code, which is much easier to be selective.

I guess I'm happiest when an American answers the or white.
It seems to be the non-western cultures that I have the most difficulty selling to....and by not mailing to certain postal codes, I can eliminate most of that issue.

I like selling rural, but it takes longer to get back home.
I like selling urban, but after dark I have to be more selective, or even come home early.
My in-between area I can stay out as late as I want, and it's still a short drive home....but I seem to get more doors slammed because it's so over-marketed to...they seem to know I'm not there to brining them a check for $255 :idea:

Suppose I'm not an expert on these things, just my experience.
I agree with everything you said. I was just having a litle fun with ya. Your right when you suggest we can overthink the entire process. Bottomline you never know what you get and often times our initail reading is wrong. I have sat in a home thinking I was going to hit a homerun and struckout and vice-versa.
This is a typical home for me. The only reason I took a picture is because the Confederate flag is a bit out of the ordinary.:D You can't read the front of the truck in the picture but it says something like "get outta the way of this badass".

As you can see they get their tv from an antenna and the other antenna is for the cb radio. These folks won't be found on line.:no:

Couldn't access the photo jdeasy... not authorized, blah, blah. I'm dying to see it though cause it will certainly look familiar.

And what is wrong with an antenna??? Not having directTv gives them more disposable income for important things like PREMIUMS... haha Nottin wrong with gettin out and relating to these folks... for the most part they would be the type of person that wouldn't let you down if you needed help of any sort. Good ole red-blooded Americans.