Best Areas for FE - Urban or Country??

Couldn't access the photo jdeasy... not authorized, blah, blah. I'm dying to see it though cause it will certainly look familiar.

And what is wrong with an antenna??? Not having directTv gives them more disposable income for important things like PREMIUMS... haha Nottin wrong with gettin out and relating to these folks... for the most part they would be the type of person that wouldn't let you down if you needed help of any sort. Good ole red-blooded Americans.

I don't know how to fix that. I had a heck of time putting it on here to start with.

Try it again;


If that doesn't work send me your email and I'll send it to you that way.
I've been thinking about getting photos of me shaking hands with my FE clients and sending them to a reality TV show producer and hitting it big with the Duck Call rednecks and Babies Momma Rapper G-Homey show.
Urban... more people to target and perhaps more competition. Country... likely just the opposite.
Could differ depending on where you a test on both and let us know what you find. Who doesn't like a nice drive to the country with less traffic?

Don't know about where you live but around here it is the rural areas that have the most competition. All them big city boys come out to work in the country instead of working the 'hood. :1arghh:
Generally speaking I'm too stupid to notice a difference. All territory is bad and I pretty much go to work and it works out. Many times the ones who are too easy to sell will lapse on you anyway.
We all know the lower income areas are pretty much the sweet spot for FE. Is there a consensus on which lower income area is better - big city urban or in the country outside the metro area?

What I mean by 'better' can be measured in 1)marketing response rates/ lead generation, 2) closing percentage, 3)quality of business /persistency.

Curious to see what the overall experience is

Both work. Probably makes a difference if the agent is rural or metro.

You metro-sexuals ain't gonna be real successful round Hopkins County, KY.
jdeasy said:
That city is urban. The largest city within a 100 miles of me is 100,000 people. That's the big city around these parts.:laugh:

Rual is everywhere else almost. The nearest town to me is about 20,000 people. That's not what I consider rural when running appointments. Probably would be for you city folk.

JD, I would consider everything in our neck of the woods rural except for Eville.
xrac said:
JD, I would consider everything in our neck of the woods rural except for Eville.

Yep! I hear they got ladies there that paint their faces and they even have stairs that move at the Sears and Robucks!

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I've sort of found the best of both worlds. I used to work a lot in the country. But when I started working in the city of Dallas, I discovered some areas with a lot of retired folks who originally came from rural east Texas & western Louisiana. They moved to the city for jobs, but took up residence on the edges of town. The city may have grown past their neighborhoods, so now they're "urban". But they're still country people at heart! Their children & grandchildren may be "citified", but some of the values of their predecessors still remain. There are probably areas like that in many cities due to the "Great Migration" of the 40's, 50's & 60's when people were leaving the rural south in search of opportunity. (I was told by a gentleman from the North Carolina mountains that when he was in school, they taught the "3 R's": Readin', Ritin', & the Road to Norfolk!)