Best F.E. Company for This Scenario

In my experience as strange as it may be, I have found gabapentin prescribed far more for neuropathy than seizures or epilepsy. Probably 5 to 1 out here.

Gabapentin is classed a an anticonvulant drug. It just so happens to work for other things besides seizures and epilepsy. The next most common use is for neuralgic pain, shooting pains caused by nerve damage. Also used for RLS, 'restless leg syndrome', and as you mentioned, diabetic neuropothy, and even used occassionally for hot flashes for women in menopause.

I take it, unfortunately, for the neuralgic pain reason, and it works, but not w/o some side effects. But to the OP, it matters why the client is prescribed the Rx, as it has a wide range of uses.
Depends what he takes the gabapentin for too. The gabap is generic Neurotin, and this Rx has several applications but most commonly used for Seizures and epilepsy. But there are a couple of other pain uses too, so it depends.

Big heavy guy...for pain for his feet is what he says...
Big heavy guy...for pain for his feet is what he says...

Nerve pain in his feet is likely due to diabetic neuropathy. Based on his type II diabetes he should sail thru u/w with most companies based on this info. Of course subject to ht / wt, since you mentioned big heavy guy... How BIG, how tall?