Best IMO/FMO for newer agent wanting to sell IUL's

here's what he is at this year so far...JUNE 17, 2024

616 Apps
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According to everyone else, he doesn't exist...LMAO. Good luck peeps! I have some Mortgage Protection appts to get to...
(simplified issued agent) is not more than $2.4M.....go to every IMO and look at their top agent...not even close!
If there was no dominant or common product in the industry, then I would agree. But if anything is commonly sold, then that disqualifies itself as a niche product. I would never consider term life insurance as a niche product as it is the most commonly sold item. By definition, high sales and low cost item in any industry is a mass market item, not a niche market item.

I have never heard of anyone mention term life as a specialized product. It is the most basic, the most general life insurance product.
Not to mention most employer-provided plans offer life insurance.