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Best Place to Get Pre-licensing?

A.D. Banker has a brand new online licensing program with multimedia enriched instructions, in-program technical and content support, a pass guarantee, bookmarkable and printable chapters and comprehensive exams.
A.D. Banker has a brand new online licensing program with multimedia enriched instructions, in-program technical and content support, a pass guarantee, bookmarkable and printable chapters and comprehensive exams.

A.D. Banker's online course is pretty slick. I also hear nothing but great things about their live courses.

At America's Professor we took our courses and went in a little different direction. We offer complete 20+ hour video led instruction, not just a review, that utilizes a unique split screen view in each course. Our videos are broken down into very manageable 5-15 minute clips where students are able to see our instructor and his/her teaching materials at all times. Pause, play, rewind as many times as you would like! Our LMS system keeps track of student's progress and keeps the course content in a very easy to navigate outline format.

We send students our book in the mail, which we think is pretty good, and have links in the course that allow the student to print off each chapter's text. For those who are interested we also offer 3 transferable undergraduate credits from the University of Montana's School of Business Administration for an additional low price of $150 with each course.

Our goal is to get our students through the exam and to provide quality insurance education. We will work with our students if they fail the exam and need more time in their course. We also provide pretty speedy feedback to our student's questions via the instructor of the course. Stop by to check out a few demos and to see if AP's teaching style is right for you.