Best Story You Have of Your Product Helping a Client?

I wrote some big policies that helped pay for my 500cc KTM Dirtbike. Maybe I have it a little backwards, though, instead of my product helping a client, it was my clients that helped me get a product. Oh well.
"You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." Zig Ziglar :yes:
Every policy I ever wrote helped the client.

I think I am being misunderstood... typical male take on the issue.

You don't buy life insurance for yourself (to many guys get this in their head and that's why they say, "I don't need it.)

Jokingly I suggested that once you check out of this old world, it matters not if or if not you have life insurance to you... it means everything to the ones you leave it to though.

Now that I have I have made a total mess of the who thing, I humbly ask for your forgiveness and understanding... because... it will probably do it again far too soon. :yes:
Are you sure about that? :shocked:

Mildred, what you need is Zombie Insurance.

For small, onetime payment, one of our highly skilled Zombie slayers will come to your place of death and drive a stake through your brain.

For just a small, additional fee you can also add the Vampire rider. After driving the stake through your brain, our specialist will also drive one through your heart.

The only thing worse than dying is waking up dead! Your loved ones will thank you.