- 8,707
Term is for temporary problems, permanent is for permanent problems. Use WL/UL for burial, etc. that they will HAVE to pay no matter what. Use term for debt or to protect income while kids are in the house, etc.
I was kind of surprised that most people DON'T want term. They all tell me they don't see the sense in paying for years and years and not getting anything in the end.
I spend most of my time dealing with people 50+ that are coming to the end of there level period on there term policies and guess what they are still alive and they still have needs. They could be like a lot of people that upsized there homes and now still have a rather large mortgage, might have had to take out massive student loans for there children etc....people have a habit of underestimating there needs and the length of those needs. That being said term is still a wonderful tool but that is all it is...I love it when I meet a couple that has dealt with a 1 trick pony agent before that trashes permanent products or term products and I spend the time to educate them about the pros and cons of both.