Birthday Coming Up Before Draft Date


100+ Post Club
Just noticed that an application I wrote today for Family Benefit/Trinity has the insured having a birthday on 9/1, but her DE Card is set to draft on 9/3. Do I need to put a "hold age" note somewhere or is that going to be a problem?

Have also had a person or two each week say that they don't have bank accounts and that they still get their SS check by mail. Is that just something that I'm encountering here in S. Louisiana, or do the rest of you see that as well?
Just noticed that an application I wrote today for Family Benefit/Trinity has the insured having a birthday on 9/1, but her DE Card is set to draft on 9/3. Do I need to put a "hold age" note somewhere or is that going to be a problem?

Have also had a person or two each week say that they don't have bank accounts and that they still get their SS check by mail. Is that just something that I'm encountering here in S. Louisiana, or do the rest of you see that as well?

Probably gonna be a problem, you need to call Trinity, not sure but you will probably have to increase the premium to match the age on the 3rd. Good luck.
Just noticed that an application I wrote today for Family Benefit/Trinity has the insured having a birthday on 9/1, but her DE Card is set to draft on 9/3. Do I need to put a "hold age" note somewhere or is that going to be a problem?

Have also had a person or two each week say that they don't have bank accounts and that they still get their SS check by mail. Is that just something that I'm encountering here in S. Louisiana, or do the rest of you see that as well?

I do not know haw they do it but some companies (UH) you can ask for a issue date of 9/1 and a draft date as 9/3. That way it saves age.
Just noticed that an application I wrote today for Family Benefit/Trinity has the insured having a birthday on 9/1, but her DE Card is set to draft on 9/3. Do I need to put a "hold age" note somewhere or is that going to be a problem?

Have also had a person or two each week say that they don't have bank accounts and that they still get their SS check by mail. Is that just something that I'm encountering here in S. Louisiana, or do the rest of you see that as well?

The only way to save age with them is to pay before the birthday. If you leave it as is it will be at the new rate of being 1 year older.

If you haven't faxed it in yet then you need to put the proper premium for the new age on there before you do. Or it will be amended.

Or you can write "save age" on there and they will have to pay before the birthday.

As for the getting check, the government rule is that there are no checks mailed. You either have the money deposited into a checking or savings account or you are issued the DE card.

BUT, like any rule there are exception and people can get an exception and still get a paper check from the government. It's a very rare exception but it does exist. The most common exception is mental issues.
Just noticed that an application I wrote today for Family Benefit/Trinity has the insured having a birthday on 9/1, but her DE Card is set to draft on 9/3. Do I need to put a "hold age" note somewhere or is that going to be a problem?

Have also had a person or two each week say that they don't have bank accounts and that they still get their SS check by mail. Is that just something that I'm encountering here in S. Louisiana, or do the rest of you see that as well?

Let this be a lesson, learned!

I've done the same thing a few times. After a while it becomes second nature to look for this situation as you are asking the client for their DOB and AGE. Hopefully, you are asking for BOTH before you give them a quote!
Let this be a lesson, learned!

I've done the same thing a few times. After a while it becomes second nature to look for this situation as you are asking the client for their DOB and AGE. Hopefully, you are asking for BOTH before you give them a quote!

Yes, agreed. Sometimes you will find that they haven't had the birthday yet but are saying their age as if they have.
I think everyone has direct express and if they claim they are being mailed the check they are either clueless or smokescreening you.
I think everyone has direct express and if they claim they are being mailed the check they are either clueless or smokescreening you.

That's mostly true. But there are some that have an exception and get checks still today.

I've only actually seen one. An agent in Indiana said he came across one today.
I would imagine there is a pretty hefty fee coming out to create a paper check.

No fee. To the user anyway. It does cost the taxpayers.

It's actually called a waiver instead of an exception. The first exception was that anyone over 90 years old as of May, 2001 could still get paper checks if they wanted. It's been expanded and according to this report today;Waiver for paper Social Security check to be easier for elderly | The Columbus Dispatch,
it's going to easier to get a waiver.