Bloomberg News Rips Obama on Deficits, Healthcare

One can only hope that folks are paying attention to what happens when govt gets to big then spends and spends. CA is a very poignant example of this.
Do you think this will change anything? Really?

Obama has been saying all along that the unchecked and increasing cost of healthcare will cause the next big problem. Yes, he was (is) referring to the unfunded mandates of medicare. He sees this as a way to fix it, not cause more problems.

I disagree, but then I don't have a seat at the table.

Many other Democratic Senators, including Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, and Tom Carper, also oppose the public option. As the cost estimates increase and support wanes, the Senate Finance Committee is even going as far as to pursue its own health-care plan, meaning that the health-care end game is now in sight.

I don't usually like to say "I told ya so ..."
But this time, as I'm as relieved as anybody to see this facade finally start to fade, I will say it.
Ya can argue philosophy or politics until you are blue in the face, but ya can't argue with numbers.
It wasn't there from the beginning. All this ranting about Obama and his socialist leanings ... who cares? Ya can't compete with guaranteed issue "public plans" against underwritten private plans. Period. "Tunklehead" stated long ago that (and I'm paraphrasing) they will not subsidize the public plan or increase the deficit. Right there, the threats gone. He's blow'n smoke. He knew it when he said it.
I love the fact that Bill Nelson (former Fl. insurance commissioner) put the kybosh on it also.

Maybe now these sheep will get their heads out of their coolo's, get back to reality and start shopping again ...?
"I just want to wait and see what happens ..."
I think I want that as my epitaph?
On second thought, nah.
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Do you think this will change anything? Really?

Oh definitely. The California, and other states, problem along with the stimulus waste will have a major impact on where we end out with health care reform. Unfortunatley the number will be so huge in the end it will not seem like it. Without financial collapse going on around us while bills are on the floor of the Senate we would end out with a two trillion dollar program, maybe more. With the collapse going on, it will be more like one trillion. Since one trillion is still so stratospheric, it will appear that the other financial problems made no difference. Barry's plan to give everyone the same plan that Congress has is probably a four or five trillion dollar plan. Probably California and other problems will keep people smart enough to not go there but not smart enough to keep from bankrupting us anyway. If a person is making 40K a year and cuts their projected expenses (or accumulated debt) down from 100K per year to 75k, they may be happy with themselves but it is what it is. I think the California collapse would be like bumping us down to the 75K but does not change the overall picture. It either makes a huge difference or none at all depending on how you look at it. Sigh.
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