Breaking News on Rule 151A

Well if your a financial advisor you should already have these licenses and unfortunately there is opportunity in devastation, thats capitalism. I hope it doesnt get passed because the jobs that may be in jeopardy from the back office workers, but we should all have the proper training , certification, licenses to serve your clients. Best thing is to get your licenses and dont worry about it, you dont even need a 7 you can get a 6 study for 2weeks and pass......63 should take you 10 days.

All so FINRA and the B/D's can get their cut and the SEC can have control. Nobody will serve their clients better.
All so FINRA and the B/D's can get their cut and the SEC can have control. Nobody will serve their clients better.

I definatly agree. My last B/D was also an Insurance Company...They had and approved list of products and stated they would consider additional products meeting certain requirements even though some of their products did not meet the strict requirement and where listed.

The second point is comp. I was selling with a certain company and was on the same contract as a friend of mine I am a Registered Rep he is not. My FIA sales had to go through the B/D his commission was highed, also the carrier would run promotions and his sales would qualify while mine would not....Now I don't sell product based on promotions but its kinda annoying when I recieve less comp because I hold an additional license.
Yes, under SEC control their will be less fraud - case in point is they nailed Madoff within 15 years.

Of course FINRA and the SEC have less than a stellar performance so far so lets expand what they regulate and take it out of the hands of the States which do an adequate job.
Umm, that's "there" - not their. Arnguy would have destroyed me.

I'm sure he will be along eventually.

P.S. to Arnguy just note if you do destroy me I will be forced to comment on the post and be 1 post closer to the 1000 post club... 19 posts to go. :)
I am just trying to help you reach the 1,000 posts, Peter. After you achieve that goal the qualifications will be increased to 4,500 please hurry. Rick is working on the new rules.:)

Good show there, John. That "there" vs. "their" error makes my blood boil and my blood pressure skyrocket!:realmad:
I am just trying to help you reach the 1,000 posts, Peter. After you achieve that goal the qualifications will be increased to 4,500 please hurry. Rick is working on the new rules.:)

Good show there, John. That "there" vs. "their" error makes my blood boil and my blood pressure skyrocket!:realmad:
I know your helping...10 posts to go at this point....What can I say about Rick, I'm flattered that he created a post about me :)
8 more!

You won't believe how awesome the 1000 post club is! That's where we talk about how we REALLY make our agencies successful.
I know your helping...10 posts to go at this point....What can I say about Rick, I'm flattered that he created a post about me :)
"I know your helping. ..." might mean you know which part is his. :err:
"you're" not "your" ; arnguy must be on a long lunch :1tongue:

Claims of past SEC incompetency have so far pushed Obama to demand stronger SEC performance from Mary Schapiro. She's his appointee for SEC head, and is one of the very few whose authority has made Geithner back off. Bear in mind that she said all indexed annuities were securities as head of NASD five years ago.