Breaking News on Rule 151A

"I know your helping. ..." might mean you know which part is his. :err:
"you're" not "your" ; arnguy must be on a long lunch :1tongue:

Claims of past SEC incompetency have so far pushed Obama to demand stronger SEC performance from Mary Schapiro. She's his appointee for SEC head, and is one of the very few whose authority has made Geithner back off. Bear in mind that she said all indexed annuities were securities as head of NASD five years ago.

Thank you another grammatical error caught, once more my third grade teacher would be ashamed and at the same time 7 more post to go.
Your yore you're welcome

Thank you another grammatical error caught, once more my third grade teacher would be ashamed and at the same time 7 more post to go.
That's fine, just as long as my helping is bigger than your helping. ;)
JMO, you're correct. I took a long lunch today----most of it in alcoholic form. We've got to straighten out Peter if he wants to join the exclusive 1,000 Mile Club. I forgot to mention to him that good grammar is a prerequisite for admission to the club. He may be put on probation until he completes English 101.:policeman:
JMO, you're correct. I took a long lunch today----most of it in alcoholic form. We've got to straighten out Peter if he wants to join the exclusive 1,000 Mile Club. I forgot to mention to him that good grammar is a prerequisite for admission to the club. He may be put on probation until he completes English 101.:policeman:
Ah so thats it....You'll notice I'm over the hump for 1000 posts and if you couldn't make fun of my grammar you would have no reason to even post on the forums :D.
Congratulations, Peter. I think we should have a party in your honor. STI should pour one for you to acknowledge your feat! BTW you are helping me reach the 5,000 mark. Keep making those grammatical errors.:yes:
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Congratulations, Peter. I think we should have a party in your honor. STI should pour one for you to acknowledge your feat! BTW you are helping reach the 5,00 mark. Keep making those grammatical errors.:yes:

Interesting sentence....Need I say more oh teacher of mine :)
Oops, my bad! Double brain farts!!!:swoon::swoon:
It must be that damned heat wave we are having. Things are probably cool in Maine. A lovely state except in the dead of winter. I have visited there a few times and truly enjoyed it.:)
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Oops, my bad! Double brain farts!!!:swoon::swoon:
It must be that damned heat wave we are having. Things are probably cool in Maine. A lovely state except in the dead of winter. I have visited there a few times and truly enjoyed it.:)
Did you visit during the summer tourist season? Are you one of those people choking our inadequate road system?