Dave and Ann, I came to the same conclusion as you on the web-broker definition. Did you notice this on page 9?
"After the consumer selects a QHP and the APTC amount has been determined, the web-broker will transmit the individual or family's QHP selection, including the applicable premium, APTC amount that will be applied to the premium, and broker identifier, back to the Marketplace. The Marketplace ... will convey all enrollment information to appropriate QHP issuers, including information identifying the web-broker in order to facilitate compensation by the issuer."
APTC-Advanced premium tax credit, aka the subsidy.
Does this mean subsidies will be available OUTSIDE the exchange through web-brokers, who will then get a commission? Or did I mis-translate the legalese?
"After the consumer selects a QHP and the APTC amount has been determined, the web-broker will transmit the individual or family's QHP selection, including the applicable premium, APTC amount that will be applied to the premium, and broker identifier, back to the Marketplace. The Marketplace ... will convey all enrollment information to appropriate QHP issuers, including information identifying the web-broker in order to facilitate compensation by the issuer."
APTC-Advanced premium tax credit, aka the subsidy.
Does this mean subsidies will be available OUTSIDE the exchange through web-brokers, who will then get a commission? Or did I mis-translate the legalese?