Burned Out on PPACA?


5000 Post Club
Anyone else burned out on this BS law? Doesn't anyone have anything to share on this crappy law? I wish Nov 6th would come and go, so I can get on with life. Same with 2014.

No posts in almost a week. I'll throw one out: a 300% rise in those paying the penalty, and it only took 2 months to come out with a new number. "No new taxes on the middle class"!! Bullshiat
Tax penalty to hit nearly 6 million uninsured | BenefitsPro
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional budget analysts are now estimating that nearly 6 million Americans — most of them in the middle class — will have to pay a tax penalty for not getting health insurance once President Barack Obama's health care law is fully in place.
That's 2 million more than a previous estimate found, or a 50 percent increase. The average penalty will be nearly $1,200.
Starting in 2014, the new health care law requires virtually every legal resident of the U.S. to carry health insurance, or face a tax penalty. The Supreme Court upheld Obama's law as constitutional after finding that the penalty fell within the power of Congress to impose taxes.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday the penalty will raise $6.9 billion when fully in effect in 2016.
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Anyone else burned out on this BS law? Doesn't anyone have anything to share on this crappy law? I wish Nov 6th would come and go, so I can get on with life. Same with 2014.

No posts in almost a week. I'll throw one out: a 300% rise in those paying the penalty, and it only took 2 months to come out with a new number. "No new taxes on the middle class"!! Bullshiat
Tax penalty to hit nearly 6 million uninsured | BenefitsPro
WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional budget analysts are now estimating that nearly 6 million Americans — most of them in the middle class — will have to pay a tax penalty for not getting health insurance once President Barack Obama's health care law is fully in place.
That's 2 million more than a previous estimate found, or a 50 percent increase. The average penalty will be nearly $1,200.
Starting in 2014, the new health care law requires virtually every legal resident of the U.S. to carry health insurance, or face a tax penalty. The Supreme Court upheld Obama's law as constitutional after finding that the penalty fell within the power of Congress to impose taxes.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday the penalty will raise $6.9 billion when fully in effect in 2016.

It is a crappy law that will help destroy our industry and our nation.
I suppose the "average penalty of $1,200" includes the penalty that businesses will have to pay for not having health insurance. Individuals pay virtually nothing.

HEY..wait a minute. Didn't the IRS say last month that they're NOT GOING TO ENFORCE the penalty? If that's the case, the people who did the study and wrote the article (BenefitsPro?) wasted their time and resources.
I am burned out on health care reform.

Prospecting group health business has become very difficult.

Everyone is in a holding pattern.
Obama's health care reform can be blocked by a state constitutional amendment in Oklahoma declaring residents can't be forced to buy health insurance, a state official said ....

Oklahoma Attorney General Revises Health-Care Lawsuit - Bloomberg

This seems similar to Missouri's anti-mandate vote:
Prop C passes overwhelmingly : Stltoday

What about the other 25 states?

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This from Missouri seems to raise a potential new challenge:
Department of Insurance issues bulletin on Senate Bill 749...
Under the new law, every employee, self-employed person or any other person in Missouri has the right to decline or refuse coverage for contraception, abortion or sterilization on religious or moral grounds. ...
Department of Insurance issues bulletin on Senate Bill 749
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