Buying Advice from Massachusetts


5000 Post Club
Two levels of idiocracy here.

First, Obama is paying this chowderhead $400,000 as a consultant all while he is writing "independent" reviews on what a great plan Obamacare is.

Second, the notion of paying the guy who designed and implemnted the plan in Massachusetts to help design one for the nation is beyond comprehension. Hey, what about my state? We failed too and I could use some cash.

And, oh, lest we forget, Obama is paying him with Obama money and we know where he got that.

Economist faulted for his ties to Obama - The Boston Globe
So I guess you want to talk about Halliburton?

Winners win... losers whine.

What are you doing?
More of the us and them routine.
Red or Blue? Which team are you on?
Issues are irrelevant just pick Bush or Obama.
Those are your options.
Back and forth it goes, leading no where.

A lot of us "neocons" were never sold on Iraq or the Middle East for that matter. I for one have had no use for Halliburton or for its former vice pres. ever.
I guess I just don't see how that is of any relevance to this issue.
Unless of course one is just looking for a scab to pick out of boredom?
Not you of course ... that was out of line ... I'm sorry munchmeat.
Why don't you reference the civil rights movement again?
This is the Health Insurance Reform Forum correct?
I guess he's looking for a new ride as 3962 is having engine problems?

How'd you like our boy Ray singing to congress?
If'n they threw in a banjo I'd be in hog heaven.
(Sung with much relish) "We the people are on to your tricks ..."
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Huckabee will never win.

Palin will never win.

Newsflash (al will appreciate this...). Bush never ran anything. Cheney ran it all.

Until republicans have real solutions we end up arguing over these flawed proposals as "better than doing nothing..."
Mass. works now, and that's all that matters to politicians. I think the insured rate is 94% which is the best out of any state.

It doesn't matter if it's imploding or 1.5 billion in the tank. It'll certainly start to matter in five years when rates will be over 60% higher than when the program started.

There is only two ways to go to "solve" the health care problem; 1) The system we have now which has a lot of flaws. 2) Universal health care with a lot of flaws.

We will need to choose between the two. GI with a mandate while running this through private carriers will be a total disaster.

As a family man, not an agent, universal will be better than what's about to get enacted. I'll be staring down the barrel of $1,500 to $2,000/mo premiums with longer waiting periods and still with private carriers getting to decide is our treatment is "medically necessary" or "experimental."
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I'll be staring down the barrel of $1,500 to $2,000/mo premiums with longer waiting periods and still with private carriers getting to decide is our treatment is "medically necessary" or "experimental

Exactly, at least those amounts.
And guess what ... you are not going to pay that.
Even if YOU do. The vast majority will not. Mandate is a further part of the con.
They are trying to suggest that a mandate will help offset the cost of GI by contributing more money. Even if it was enforceable, and they fully know that it is not, it wouldn't put a dent in it.
Also, why would you pay those amounts when you can more easily just pay a small fine (further con) and then if and when you or a family member needs treatment THEN go out and get y'all a plan to pay for those medical bills?
Yeah, that makes for a healthy, "competitive" insurance market. I anticipate at least a dozen new companies being created to take advantage of that bonanza ...
That sounds so good I think I might have to start up my own health insurance company instead of just running an agency.


For the last time.
GI, public option, health exchange, ARRA - to destroy private health insurance industry - national health by default.

All four are man made streams designed to take us to the same river.
Go ahead, somebody please tell us again how we are all going to cash in from all the new business this proposed legistlation would bring us?
I wonder if we will be given 5, 10 or 20% ...?

Almost forgot, before someone brings it up, the part about agent's not being affected ... more con.
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One thing we haven't discussed is cost controls. With plans being GI and no pre-ex period carriers will have to find a way to keep costs down.

When 20 carriers become 3 carriers I'm sure doctor's won't like those new network contracts. Don't sign? Fine, no patients. Carriers renting networks will become history.

Everyone will get hit; doctors, labs, hospitals. Heart specialist making $600,000 a year? How 'bout $200,000 - put the boat on Craigslist.

One thing is for sure, even without network contract changes, doctors will be working three times as hard for the same pay.
One thing is for sure, even without network contract changes, doctors will be working three times as hard for the same pay.

My guess is we will have a lot less doctors, and maybe if we are lucky a lot more lawyers. Wouldn't that be great...
I disagree. I think doctors are full of a lot of talk - which is all it it; talk. You think any doctor is going to "quit" medicine? And become what? A waiter?

Are you going to go from $300,000 down to $180,000 or leave the profession to try to find a job for $45,000?