Buying and Selling Across State Lines

Again I will say this and hope it sinks in. Premium is driven by cost of care in the zip code, not state lines.

Raise your hand if you think any insurance company will purposely sell at a loss for any extended period of time? It is one thing to undercut a market temporarily to gain market share, but are there any carriers who continue to under price their premiums based on cost of service in a given area.

Please understand how premium is priced.
Here's an article that advocates removing states from the picture all-together. Blue Cross can sell the Advantage 2500, or Aetna can sell the GoodCare 1000, on a national exchange. State commissioners are bypassed all-together.

Murdock: A free market fix for Obamacare | Boston Herald

Murdock is an ***. Pricing is based on rating areas. Not all states have 10K square miles. Texas has over 250,000 square miles.

And I'm pretty sure the Oscar debacle proved that a carrier coming into a new area isn't all that easy....
Here's an article that advocates removing states from the picture all-together. Blue Cross can sell the Advantage 2500, or Aetna can sell the GoodCare 1000, on a national exchange. State commissioners are bypassed all-together.

Murdock: A free market fix for Obamacare | Boston Herald

The article pretty much proves Murdock doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. Geico and Prudential sell in all 50 states because they choose to, not because a state insurance commissioner is unable to stop it. Getting approved to sell in a state is the easy part, putting together all the parts to make it work is the hard part.

Even in auto insurance, some companies will not sell in parts of some states due to the nature of the risk.
The article pretty much proves Murdock doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. Geico and Prudential sell in all 50 states because they choose to, not because a state insurance commissioner is unable to stop it. Getting approved to sell in a state is the easy part, putting together all the parts to make it work is the hard part.

Even in auto insurance, some companies will not sell in parts of some states due to the nature of the risk.

Right. It's obvious that he hasn't thought things through. With Geico, you can't live in Michigan and buy a Kentucky auto policy.

As President Trump exclaimed, "Who knew healthcare was so complicated!".
I'm selling everything and hiding the cash. Then, I'll just go to the ER along with the indigent.

No job, house, crappy car, qualified plans and a pile of buried Ben Franklins=judgement proof.
I'm selling everything and hiding the cash. Then, I'll just go to the ER along with the indigent.

No job, house, crappy car, qualified plans and a pile of buried Ben Franklins=judgement proof.

SOooo... since the requirement is to stabilize you, and they will, what you gonna do when you need chemo, transplant, rotator cuff surgery or ongoing treatment for diabetes? Wad up in the fetal position and melt away?
Never try teaching a pig to sing. It is a waste of your time and it annoys the pig.
Solidarity Healthshare / faith based risk share plans seem to be looking more favorable as gov fails to stop this wreck
Solidarity Healthshare / faith based risk share plans seem to be looking more favorable as gov fails to stop this wreck

Those plans are probably attracting mostly healthy enrollees too. A great risk-pool full of cash for paying claims.
SOooo... since the requirement is to stabilize you, and they will, what you gonna do when you need chemo, transplant, rotator cuff surgery or ongoing treatment for diabetes? Wad up in the fetal position and melt away?

So sorry, should have ended with </sarcasm>. Actually, I am stable. It is my health insurance coverage and premiums that have become unstable. I'm simply trying to maintain my stability given all of the crap that's going on.

Alternatively, I could just pull a Trump, file bankruptcy and leave the contractors I hired holding the bag.<no sarcasm>

Solidarity Healthshare / faith based risk share plans seem to be looking more favorable as gov fails to stop this wreck

I never thought I'd consider those since they aren't insurance and can individually crash when the 1st set of bad claims comes in. Some may be viable especially since he individual market has become a month to month or at least year to year game. Do any make claims & enrollment data available?