Buying Leads or Email Lists

I am currently buying co-registration leads, but I am not getting enough. I requested to receive 100 leads per week and only received 200 in one (1) month.

If what you're doing is buying "co-registration" data and emailing it, you would do FAR better just walking down the street yelling, "I sell insurance! Get your insurance here!"

I'm serious.

Why did you say so?

Am I so wrong? Or how bad are the leads?

Please tell me.

Thank you!

Because cold emailing consumers has been a lost cause for a long time unless you're sending out millions and are fine with a minuscule response. If you sent out 1,000/day, getting 1 or 2 responses a week that aren't people trying to opt out of your emails would be super impressive. A sale a month would be a victory.
Because cold emailing consumers has been a lost cause for a long time unless you're sending out millions and are fine with a minuscule response. If you sent out 1,000/day, getting 1 or 2 responses a week that aren't people trying to opt out of your emails would be super impressive. A sale a month would be a victory.
I send 1,000 emails per day. Of these, I see that some open the emails. Those who open the emails, I begin to give them "nurturing."

-No sale at all-
I send 1,000 emails per day. Of these, I see that some open the emails. Those who open the emails, I begin to give them "nurturing."

-No sale at all-

Exactly. This is not an acceptable marketing plan for you. Give it up and try something else. Be prepared to increase your budget and/or time spent by a lot.

What about working with annuities?

Thank you!

I've never sold annuities so I'm not qualified to answer your question. My guess is the closing % is much smaller. After you just made your pitch to an annuity prospect they might say "let me talk with my financial advisor first" (and then their financial advisor sells them the annuity) or their CPA gives your prospect a contact to call and the contact sells them the annuity.

You said, "Be prepared to increase your budget and/or time spent by a lot," regarding "time spent by a lot," what exactly do you mean.

Thank you!

There are ways of generating leads yourself as opposed to buying them (creating online content, networking, knocking on doors, etc.) and they all require much more time investment than sending out an email every day.

Unless you already have tons of acquaintances willing to talk with you about buying insurance, there is no way to make a living selling insurance without investing a lot of time, money or both.

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