CA HBEX Standardized Plan Benefit Designs

Anybody looking for a job? Must need sense of humor, because this chit is going to be hilarious as it goes down.

Also, no experience working with brokers required.

Help wanted: California exchange product guru | LifeHealthPro and Sales Position Description 5-22-12.pdf

The California Health Benefit Exchange board is looking to hire a director of product development and sales for the Web-based health insurance supermarket program.
The product development chief would be in charge of managing contracts with the participating health plans, setting quality and performance standards, and overseeing sales and marketing of both individual and small group plans.
The ideal candidate should have "executive experience in the small employer insurance sector, including working with small employers, health insurers, health coverage stakeholder groups, and other interested parties," the board said in a description of the opening posted on the board website.
The ideal candidate also should have "experience working under demanding time pressure and under public scrutiny, while maintaining composure and a sense of humor," the board said.