August 10, 2015 The IRS (probably at the direction of the President) is adjusting the Cadillac Tax to stick to health insurers that sell/administer top quality plans, rather than companies that buy them. Excerpt: "The IRS says the entity providing health coverage is liable for the Cadillac tax. That would be the employer for health savings account (HSAs) and Archer medical savings accounts (MSAs). But for health coverage provided for an insured group health plan, the coverage provider is the health insurance issuer." Source: New IRS Guidance Suggests Obamacare 40% Cadillac Tax Could Get Even Worse ac
So if the insurer will be responsible for it, then we might kiss Cadillac plans goodbye. If they still offer them then the premiums will increase to cover the added expense.
Yet another unintended consequence. Or was it intended all along?