Can I Become An Insurance Agent in CA with a Shoplifting Charge?


New Member
Here's the deal:

I was hired by a small agency a few months ago to do phone solicitation to give people quotes on auto and home insurance. I only work 3 hours a day. I have done very well -- I provide several quote sheets a day.

My boss has taken notice and has told me to study for and take the insurance licensing exam. He says it will lead to more hours and eventually salary and commissions. Sounds great.

The problem: I was convicted of a misdemeanor for shoplifting about a year ago and still have some informal probation to complete -- none of which my boss knows about.

I've done some research and it looks pretty grim for my outcome.

I was just wondering if you think it's worth it for me to go through all of the trouble of studying for this test, passing it, only to be denied at the end of it all.

Can I just call the DOI and ask a hypothetical that relates to my situation and get the answers I need before going through all of this trouble?

Not fun. :goofy:
Take a trip down to the Insurance Dept. Licensing division and explain your case and see what they say.

Every state has their own regulation & rules. If you really want to purse a career in this field, just stay positive, study, pass your exam and then make your case. Just be sincere, truthful and why you want to be in this industry.

No one is perfect and most people will judge you on where you are now than the past. Whether it's this career or any other, your going to have explain yourself when they find out.

Good luck!