Can I get a Quote?

Uh oh! I'm sorry, but I didn't see the kids listed.

Here are the updated prices:

GR Copay Select 2500 Ded. $421
GR Copay Select 1500 Ded. $497
GR HSA $5650 Ded. $275

Assurant/Time Max Plan $2500 Ded. $476
Assurant/Time Max Plan $1500 Ded. $593
Assurant/Time HSA $5700 Ded. $323
On life insurance it is the HO (Home Office) sample a/k/a urine sample. In health insurance, if you die the carrier can ask for an autopsy and the lungs will show the evidence of smoking. Also, if you contract a disease which may indicate smoking, the carrier can investigate with an APS, for example, emphysema, heart condition, lung cancer, etc., etc.:skeptical:
Generally, it is 12 months to be classified a NS. Some companies (BC) will give a "Super Duper Ultra Preferred" rate if it has been three years.

This is the first time that GR has both Preferred and Standard smoker rates.
Lol, you guys are silly. How about confirming needs prior to quoting? Did you run an Assurant Indemnity plan quote? Pre-cancer will most likely be a decline and if not will result in some sort of exclusion rider.