Can I Pay for My Clients Elevation Certificate?

Paying for your client's elevation certificate in exchange for securing the policy is definitely rebating --- not something worth losing your license/livelihood over...that is for sure!

I have clients that want to switch their flood insurance over but their current agent (surprise surprise) will not send a copy of the elevation certificate or they claim they "lost" it.

Since flood insurance pricing is set by FEMA, we all have the same pricing. It is just a matter of convenience for the customer since we have the Homeowners policy after saving them money. It seems the customers cant switch agents without paying for an elevation cert.


Thanks in advance.
Have you done that? Does it work? That is a great idea!!! I will try that!
I don't like to do it because I can't hear that well with my phone, but yes I do it and it does work well. My co-workers do it for everything, prior decs, etc. and it always works. Its hard for the other agent/company to tell their insured no, and I'm not sure if they are even allowed to tell them no after all it is their policy.
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Also, to touch on what Degri said, I know agents who pay for 4-points and wind mits to get a policy, but I'm pretty sure it is illegal, and I would not risk my license on one policy. After all the environment in Florida is changing so rapidly that you may not even have that customer next year.
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have the client call the agent, say if they don't send it to him, now his next call will be to the DOI. also tell the client, you appreciate your clients, and would never hold a flood certificate. against a clients wishes.