Can I Pay for My Clients Elevation Certificate?

FloridaFinancial, Aram is right, just rollover the business. It can only be done at renewal of course, but I have had the exact scenario come up recently where the SF agent refused to send the Elev. Cert. and I just contacted NFIP and they walked me through what I needed to do.
We did a rollover not to long ago...however the flood department still wanted a copy of the flood certificate? Maybe they don't have to have it...but I do remember that Allstate Flood did want it...and we had the insured called and have her old agent fax a copy of the certificate to her at our office... I don't see why you couldn't do the rollover either but I would absolutley make sure that they walk you through the whold process.
jhuang is right about FloodPlus, they rock.

Another idea is try to see if the city or town has a copy. We often get a local town (the only local town that has a lot of high-risk flood properties) to give us copies of elev certs they have on file.
It is $300 for the complete survey and $85 for the elevation cert only.

Update. We called the NFIP they were absolutely no help. They suggested that we call the carrier and we did. It turns out the company that processes for the carrier we use also processes for the company the insured used (in this particular deal) so we got lucky. But it looks like there is no real work-around. Rollovers do not work without an elevation certificate.

Thanks for all your help, I welocm any further comments
It is $300 for the complete survey and $85 for the elevation cert only.

Update. We called the NFIP they were absolutely no help. They suggested that we call the carrier and we did. It turns out the company that processes for the carrier we use also processes for the company the insured used (in this particular deal) so we got lucky. But it looks like there is no real work-around. Rollovers do not work without an elevation certificate.

Thanks for all your help, I welocm any further comments

3-way call the carreir with your client on the phone and ask them to send you the certificate.