Can we no longer move up requirement deadlines?


5000 Post Club
I have a client with new baby and has not got the SS yet

But the dead line is set for 09/15 but she is asking for more time, some situation with ex yada yada

I used to be able to run app in Health Sherpa a second time
and have it move for a month or 2 but it is not happing now
Do 3 way call,l with MP, add baby with no ss #, send in or upload ssa card later within 60 to 90 days
I have a bunch of people that want me to shop their plan during oep. A couple of these people are in states with state exchanges . To open their apps on health Sherpa do i have to call the state exchanges and federal exchange on 3 way to allow me to access their app health Sherpa?Then rewrite them . How does health Sherpa know i have authorization to access their app?
I have a bunch of people that want me to shop their plan during oep. A couple of these people are in states with state exchanges . To open their apps on health Sherpa do i have to call the state exchanges and federal exchange on 3 way to allow me to access their app health Sherpa?Then rewrite them . How does health Sherpa know i have authorization to access their app?
Wow. Stay in your lane. So many variables to answer that question.

3 way call is prob the answer in most scenarios
Wow. Stay in your lane. So many variables to answer that question.

3 way call is prob the answer in most scenarios
I’m asking you a generic as hell question . They have another agent such as you and I’m about to be the new agent . If I have to call market place to be the new Aor I’m just going to let the rep enroll the person while we’re on the phone
I’m asking you a generic as hell question . They have another agent such as you and I’m about to be the new agent . If I have to call market place to be the new Aor I’m just going to let the rep enroll the person while we’re on the phone

What state kind if matters.

State exchanges don't use sherpa? Only 1. You can't open app.

Not aor? You should know answer as it's on every cms email and sherpa email.

Are u licensed in state, and state exchange certified? U should know the answer

Ever done sherpa app? there is consent button at end dumb ass

Like I said, stay in your lane. You got the new agent part right

What state kind if matters.

State exchanges don't use sherpa? Only 1. You can't open app.

Not aor? You should know answer as it's on every cms email and sherpa email.

Are u licensed in state, and state exchange certified? U should know the answer

Ever done sherpa app? there is consent button at end dumb ass

Like I said, stay in your lane. You got the new agent part right
I have 263 aca apps I get paid on . I do concents from my crm and upload them to sherpa . . Starting July 18th you can no longer open an app your not the aor on . During open enrollment you’ll be on hold for 90 mins 3 way trying to get aor status moved to you to do a new app .
I have 263 aca apps I get paid on . I do concents from my crm and upload them to sherpa . . Starting July 18th you can no longer open an app your not the aor on . During open enrollment you’ll be on hold for 90 mins 3 way trying to get aor status moved to you to do a new app .
You answered your own question. Consents are not required to upload to sherpa. Have fun on those 3 ways. I have 264 apps
Do 3 way call,l with MP, add baby with no ss #, send in or upload ssa card later within 60 to 90 days

Ok because I had 90 days
Baby is on app already

what she said yesterday is she did everything at the hospital and they still did not send her anything birth certificate and SS

I told her to call and find out what's the problem and that we have its actually till the 17 th

but if it still somehow processing I should do 3 way is what you are saying?

Just really clarifying you understood baby was on policy for 90 already and if it is still the correct path
If baby already on app, and you don't have proof of ssn# or birth yet, I would call the MP and ask for extension or maybe redo app and that should extend for another 60 days