Can You Insure this Fundraiser?


New Member
The big picture:

Sell tickets to a fundraiser.
The tickets allow individuals to participate in a treasure, scavenger, hunt in which you could win a new car/truck.

Solve the clues, get there first, and you get the car/truck.
The participants will be navigated to a series of venues, through a puzzle/clue to pick up their next clue, ultimately ending at the grand prize.

Each venue may also randomly award additional prizes, to the participants. (say the 37th person wins a gas card or something)

First; is there a way for the purchase of the car/truck to be insured in case the ticket sales do not provide the necessary cash to purchase out right?
(I would anticipate, the car/truck to be donated or sponsored to some degree and we won't be dealing with full price)

Second, how does the event itself need to be insured?
It will be taking place over a fairly large geographic region, at different commercial venues, and on state and county roads, in their own vehicles.

I know the details are a bit vague at this point, but I am trying to determine the feasibility of this type of fundraiser and what costs I would likely incur.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Unfortuneatly you cannot guarentee a sales price. All insurance must be pure risk, that is, only a loss may occur not a gain.

On the event itself you can obtain liability insurance if someone gets hurt. I would stop by a local agency for further details on a policy and information.
Thank you for the response @tiamat

Unfortuneatly you cannot guarentee a sales price. All insurance must be pure risk, that is, only a loss may occur not a gain.

Understood. I suppose I was thinking back years ago when I read about the hole in one vehicles being insured in the event someone actually got a hole in one to win the vehicle.
Was wondering if something similar could be applied to this type of event.
prize indemnification provider

Thanks again for the response. Cheers.
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